Early Labour

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      "Call me if you need anything. I'll have my phone on vibrate and I'll have my ringtone on at all times." Harry said grabbing his coat.
      "Babe I'm fine. Anne's here with me and I don't think the girls are coming anytime soon. The Braxton Hicks are as normal as they've ever been."
      "Go have fun Harold. Don't let the thought of labour destroy the release for your album." Anne said reassuringly.
      "Ok mom." He smiled and looked towards you. "And I'll see you soon." Harry kissed your lips and your bump earning kicks from the  girls.
      "Oh yeah and don't forget about this." You handed him a bag of a change of clothing. "Just in case."
      You and Anne said goodbye to Harry. It was May 11th 2017, Harry's first solo album was getting released tomorrow. He wanted to throw a release party to celebrate with his team and close friends that lived in the area. The night was filled with laughter and memory sharing. It was soon 10pm and the two of you were wide awake. Anne got up to refill her glass of wine when you felt a pain that felt different from the Braxton Hicks. You put your hands on top of your bump as another pain came, making you inhale sharply through your teeth.
"Anne?" You said, grabbing your sweater that you'd taken off a little bit ago.
"Yes darling what is it?" She came around the corner and put her glass of wine on the table.
"I think I'm having Braxton Hicks but they hurt differently."
"What do you mean by that."
"I mean that it's almost like a pressure like pain."
"Alright. Let's see if they go away when you eat."
You nodded and got up having the feeling of just peeing yourself. You walked a couple of more steps before something started to trail down your leg. Anne had already gone into the kitchen to prepare something for you. As gross as it was, you reached into your pants and felt the substance. It most definitely wasn't urine. Another contraction pain came over you, causing more of the goop to come out. You took your hand out from your pants and looked at your fingers.
"Try eating thi." Anne stopped in her tracks. "Oh my god. Y/N I think your mucus plug just went.
"W-what?" You started to get scared. "What's a mucus plug?"
"Don't worry. It's a natural thing that happens when your body gets itself ready for labour. That means you have at least a week before the girls come. You and Harry have time."
"Why is it so bloody?"
"Some mucus plugs are like that. I was the same way with Gemma." She put down the plate of food. "I'll get a bath going. It's quite gross to sit in it. Maybe go wash your hands so that it doesn't get anything messy."
You washed your hands then joined Anne upstairs. She'd drawn you a bath as you settled into the warm water. She'd brung you the plate of food that she'd prepared earlier.
"I'll be downstairs if you need anything." She smiled and left.
Over the course of time that you were in the tub you started to get random contractions varying in different levels of pain. You'd never experienced this before in the Braxton Hicks. Harry had texted you, making sure you were ok. You told him that your mucus plug had went but it was nothing to worry about and that you or Anne would call him if anything was wrong or happen. Once ten minutes had passed, Anne got you out of the tub and into bed. The pains wouldn't stop coming back. That was one red flag since the false contractions would sometimes stop around the time you and Harry went to bed. You couldn't get to bed so you went downstairs to the kitchen. Standing up seemed to have made them worse. You bent over the counter top to breath through one of the pains.
"Are you ok dear? What's wrong."
"This pain just won't go away." You cried. "It just hurts too much."
"Have you been timing them?"
"Have you been timing them? If they're a certain amount of time apart and lasting for a certain amount of time, then you're in labour and I'll need to get you to a hospital."
"Yeah I have. They're about ten minutes apart and lasting for about almost a minute."
      "Ok. We're gonna stay here until they reach five minutes. That's when we should go."
     You nodded as the contraction came to an end. About half an hour had passed and the pain had gotten worse. It was all good until you had a gut feeling that was telling you to go to the hospital immediately.

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