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*Morning music plays*

Pink's POV

I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes. 

The sunlight came from a crack in the tent.

I went outside to see everyone was already up and dandy.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Green smirked.

"Hey, women got to get their beauty sleep." I responded

"Does that mean if you don't sleep well you become very ugly?" Max ask

Oh dear...

"YES IT DOES! One time Pink didn't get enough sleep and she looked really bad!!" Yellow yelled and flailed his arms around.


"Yellow~" I glared "What did you say~?"

"You sound upset about something?" Yellow asked.

"Um... guys..." Blue whimpered.

"One moment Blue we are kinda dealing with something~" I responded.

"What is it Blue?" Max asked.

"Pink, what are you upset about this time?" Yellow rolled his eyes.

"Guuuuuys..." Blue called out again.

"What do you mean 'again'!" I yelled as Yellow crossed his arms.

"Let me see Blue!" Max said.

"You are so moody sometimes! It is a surprise you wasn't born rainbow!" Yellow replied.

"Woah! Cool!" Max laughed.

"WHY YOU LITTLE!!" I screamed.

"HEY EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LOOK HERE!!" Max screamed even louder.

We are went to look at what Max and Blue were bugging us about.

"Are those..." Green started.

"...eggs?" I finished.

We were all looking at a box with a dozen boiled eggs.

"Well, I guess we have some more food for the road." Green suggested.

"Well... that is good... but who left them here?" I asked.

Then we notice a note.

'Hope you like my gift! Just doing my job!'

Green's POV

Really Plot Convenience?

Max's POV

Is it a new friend?

I looove new friends!

Blue's POV

Who is this mysterious person!

Are they going to hurt us?!

How do they know us?!


Pink's POV

Welp, I have no idea who wrote this.

Yellow's POV

Um... hey Creeps!

(What is it?)

Did Plot Convenience write this?


She gave us eggs?


 Tell her thanks...

(I will!)

Pink's POV

"Um... should we be worry?" I asked.

"Eh, not really. All they did was give us some eggs. We should be find." Green responded.

"Yeah! Greens right! They were probably just being nice!" Yellow cheered.

"Y-you sure?" Blue whined.

"No worries Blue! I won't let anything bad happen!" Max said while hugging Blue.

Just then we heard a crack.

We look down at the eggs to see one of them hatching.

"I guess they forgot to boil one... and forgot to check if there was a chicken in there..." Green said.


"Yeah! can we keep it!" Yellow agreed

"I don't know it is one more mouth to feed..." Green started.

"Please!!" Max and Yellow said in unison.

"Okay... but what are we going to name it?" Green asked.

"I don't know? We figure it out though!" Yellow smiled.

Wow! Another chappie finish! This time for Easter! This wasn't the best Easter ever but at least I got to write a chappie!

(Hey Creeps!)

Hia Yellow! How ya doing!

(Fine! Hey, do you know what to name the new chicken! Thanks, by the way!)

You're welcome and about the chicken... I have an idea! We will ask the comments what to name them and sneak those names into everyone's heads! 

(Sounds cool! Also, um... how much power do you have?)

It is actually more limited then one may think. I chose to create this story using clay figures instead of puppets so I don't have complete control-

(Ummm... what are you talking about?)

Oh! You don't know! So, universes are created by either using puppets, clay figures, the elements, or dolls. The difference mostly remains in how much control the creations get.  Puppets have the most control over them, while dolls have the least. Superpigdreams chooses to control more of the story by using puppets. I haven't met anyone who uses dolls but I know the doll have almost complete control over what they do. Clay figures do lean over the doll side a bit more but is tad more of a middle ground. I prefer to clay figures. Then the elements... their lives work mostly on destiny. Their was a phase when THAT was really popular...

(Oh... um... okay...)

So that was a summery of the first chapter in my authorlogy textbook!


Um... 32... I'm only on the 20th chapter...

(Oh boy...)


(Well what can I say! Your always write!)

Pthhh... hahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was so adorkible! Also you misspelled you're.

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