Yay! A QnA!

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Bonjour everyone!! How are all you lovelys! The QnA should start in...
*All the Vacktors and Max falls though ceiling*
Green: Where are we?
Yellow: Heya Creeps!!
Hi Yellow!
Pink: Yellow... What is going on?
Yellow: Oh... Um...
Welcome! To the question room! Here you guys will answer questions given by the comment section!
Yellow: That sounds like fun... But what about the fourth wall?
Oh, no worries. All memories of what happens in the question room stays in the question room. So the only one of you guys that will remember what happens here is you, Yellow.
Green: Why Yellow? Why is he different?
Yellow has caused the forth wall to break before. He knows about the comment section already. That's why.
Pink: Y-yellow?
Yellow: What is it?
Pink: How long?
Yellow: I don't know. There has been a lot of time nonsense.
Anyways, to the questions!
@CiciTheNeko ask: How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Green: Really, is this how we are starti-
Yellow: I thought it was 413?
Max: No, it is 69!
Yellow: 413!
Max: 69!
Yellow: 413!
That is enough of fighting over THAT. Next question!
2MuchOfAFangirl asked: If you could write a video for Red what would it be about?
Oh, i-it's for m-me. *blushes* Well... It would probualy be about acting out fanfiction. You know, like Aphmau has done.
@lepardgirl19009 asked: For Pink and Green: How y'all feel about Max when you first met him and now?
Pink: I am pretty sure we were both scared of him at first.
Green: Now we are just really worried half the time.
Max: Why are you worried?
Pink: You once ran straight to a hord of walkers!
Max: You mean the zombodles? They're nothing much. I was just going to have a dance party with them.
Green: *sigh*
56Minecraft asked: Yellow, have you dome something dark?
Yellow: Dark? Ha ha! What do you mean dark? I can't be dark! I glow in the dark!
Max: Are sure that is what they mean?
Yellow: What else could they mean?
Max: I don't know. Something just feels off...
Yellow: W-wait... D-do you mean d-dark as in what h-happen with P-purp-
Max: Who is Purple?
Blue: Um... Max... We don't talk about Purple...
Max: Why?
Yellow: Please just don't talk about him... please...
Green: Purple did some bad things.
Pink: We just want to forget about him already.
Yellow: *is clutching stomach and starting to cry* I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Pink: Y-yellow?
Yellow: *Still has years running down his face* Hm?
Roses are red
Voilets are blue
THAT escalated quickly
Don't ya think so too
Yellow: *Starts to smile* Pfftt... Ha ha ha! Seriously Creeps!
Pink: Are you better now?
Yellow: Y-yeah.
Green: Hey, Yellow? Where did you get the necklace?
Yellow: Oh, this? *Holds up a bronze necklace with a sun and a lightning bolt on it* Superpigdreams gave it to me. She is really nice!
superpigdreams asked: Blue, are you and Max technically dating?
Pink: Wait what?
Blue: *blushes* U-um... I... w-well... Me and M-max? I-I...
Max: Yes.
Green: Wait, when did this happen?
Yellow: *Is giggling*
Pink: Yellow why are you giggling?
Green: Did you know?!
Yellow: Maaaybe *is still giggling*
Blue: How did you know!
Yellow: I was hiding in the bushes with some friends while you were kissing. *still giggling*
Green: Do you mean on the day you past-out Blue and Max had kissed!
Yellow: Yeeeah *is STILL giggling*
That was also the day the forth wall broke. I am still trying to fix that. That is also the day Yellow found out about me.
Yellow: And I am happy I did! You are an amazing friend.
Awww, thanks Yellow.
Yellow: *sings* You're welcome!
Pffft... Nice job Yellow.
Green: Any more questions?
There is one more person who asked something but they asked like five questions so I did them last.
@Aquahouse asked: Uh, I have a question for Pink. How hard is it to (mostly) take care of everyone after Red's disappearance?
Pink: It is kinda hard. We've been doing okay. It doesn't help the two people on our team has no self-perseverance skills. * Glares at Max and Yellow* However I still think we should be okay.
Aquahouse asked: Yellow, what is your favorite thing about the author?
Yellow: She is really nice! I love how friendly she is!
Aww, thanks!
Aquahouse asked: For Blue, If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
Blue: O-oh... Um... A-all of my f-family together a-again...
That's sweet.
Aquahouse asked: Max, would you die for blue?
Blue: D-die?!
Max: Well, I would but why would I need to? No one is going to di- *has flash-back*
Blue: Max?
Yellow: Helloooo Max? *Waves hand in front of Max's face*
Green: Is he okay?
Max: What?
Pink: What happen? You kinda just zone out.
Max: I think I was remembering something but I don't remember what.
Yellow: Well tell is if you remember!
I'm going to turn the volume down for the next one.
Yellow: Why?
No reason...
Aquahouse asked: Green, how would you react if you saw Red knowing what you know?
Green: I would run.
Pink: Green, what was the question.
Green: Just some survival advice.
Pink: Okay...
I think that is it thanks for re-
Oh! One more ask! Good thing this took so long!
Green: 'so long' how long have we been here?!
For you guys it has only been a few minutes but no time has passed in your world. The commenters' time here varies and I have been for three weeks.
Yellow: Wait, why three weeks.
Because I kept having IRL problems. Anyways to the question! *Turns volume back up*
@ponygirlpony asked: I have a question for leh little Green.
Green: Ow, my ears.
Yellow: Tell us what?
Pink: Are we sure this person is even sane?
Max: What does sane mean?
Pink: uhhh...
Now it is done...
Hope y'all enjoyed it. Also I may be able to go back on the computer, but I am not going to be able until school starts. Thanks for reading!
Yellow: Bye!
Blue: G-goodbye...
Max: See ya later!
Green: Bye, I guess...
Pink: Bye

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