Side Heart 2

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A musical laughter echoes around him as he glances at the source of the sound. A young lady, clad in a simple white gown, had her head thrown back, a mess of short brown curls falling gracefully against her delicate shoulders which shake with her mirth.

In that moment, the young man's heart clenched as his breath caught at the back of his throat.

She's beautiful.


It's been two weeks since he saw the beautiful woman at the ball and she hadn't left his thoughts once. So today, as he straightened out his tailcoat, he vowed to find out who the mysterious beauty was who stole his heart.


Lillian Linton.

Even her name was beautiful. Upon inquiry, she found out from his fellow officers that she was a middle classed woman from a respected family. Though she looked the epitome of beauty and grace, tall tales of her attacks on suitors invaded his thoughts.

No way, it couldn't be true. A woman as beautiful and delicate as her couldn't harm a fly, let alone soldiers from the British Army.

Even though he couldn't find the courage to approach her this ball, he swore that at the ball next week, one she will attend due to her boisterous aunt; he will steal her heart.


"I'm going to ask her to dance."

The man looked hopeful as he tugged once again on his brand new tailcoat, one that he was sure would impress her.

"William. Please. As your friend and colleague, I suggest you save your foot the misery and your reputation the blow and avoid her like the plague. She is no lady. She's the devil's incarnate. In addition to that, she a" the young officer slowed to a whisper, remaining cautious of his words, "a suffragist!"

William Herondale, the young Naval officer of the British Army simply blinked at his friend, not astounded by the reveal.

"So? What is so bad to demand equality? It is not like women are incapable of anything. It is just that they have not been given the opportunity," he calmly states, his colleagues gawking at him gobsmacked.

If asked three weeks ago, William would have laughed at the idea of women voting. But after inquiring about his beloved, he devoted himself into her beliefs.

"Wi-William! What are you saying? That's preposterous!" a senior Lieutenant exclaimed.

Suddenly a young man, looking to be of no status, appeared in the circle, toning down his voice, he eerily stated, "I heard she is intended for."

William's heart clenched with jealousy before he shook away the feeling. Impossible. She is never seen with another man, except for the ridiculous Captain Carter, but by no means was he a competition to Officer William Herondale.

"Oh yes. I heard she was being courted by Rikkard Ambrose," says another young soldier, joining the conversation.

Now it was most certainly made up. Rikkard Ambrose was a man respected for his wealth and position and rebuked for his social stance. There is no way that ice of a man could be courting someone, let alone a beauty like Lillian Linton.

"That is nonsense and I will prove it to you all. I shall go and ask her for a dance."

And with that, the officer confidently strode towards the girl who was snacking on solid chocolates on the refreshments table.

As he approached the woman, his stance became nervous and he cleared his throat before asking, "Excuse me, Miss Linton. May I have this dance?"

The girl in question turned around in astonishment, her cheeks flushed and full of solid chocolate as he tried to decipher what was being asked.

"Mwe?" she said through a mouthful of chocolate which was considered disgraceful and rude but William found it endearing.

The officer bowed in front of her, his hand offered to her, "If I may?"

Gulping her mouthful, she stuttered, "Umm, I don't know if that would be the best. You see-"

But the hopeful look on the officer's face and the previous argument with her betrothed led her to take the man's hand and lead him to the middle of the dance floor, his colleagues watching in shock.

As a soft waltz started, William reveled at being intimate with his love and glanced down at Lilly with admiration, who in return kept her eyes wandering through the crowds. Well into the dance, the officer decided to introduce himself.

"Sorry for the delay but Miss, I am Officer Will-"

Before the officer could finish, he was roughly grabbed by his neck and tossed aside, before his attacker leaped towards Lilly. William stumbled up in haste to save his beloved before freezing at the sight in front of him.

There he was, Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, the richest man in London, currently osculating with the love of his life in the middle of a public ball.

The ballroom froze in shock as they saw the sinful act in front of them, an unmarried man and unmarried woman partaking in lustrous acts in front of everyone.

Once the couple pulled back, the women in the crowd gasped that the revelation of the wealthiest man in London, their future son in law, canoodling with an average girl who was not their kin!

With his arms protectively wrapped around the woman, Rikkard Ambrose icily threatened the officer, "Stay away from my fiancee or else I will destroy you."

With that, Mr.Ambrose straightened up, clenching his fiancee with one arm before announcing,

"Lillian Linton and I are engaged and soon to be married."

With that, Officer William Herondale's heart broke.


I don't know. I should be studying for my law test tomorrow but I decided to update a shitty chapter. You're welcome. Btw, I love it when you guys comment. It is so much fun to read! I prefer it over votes, unlike most people.

K bye.


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