Frivolous Waste of Money

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Lilly pulls the coat tighter against her body as the frigid wind attacked against her shivering form. A cloud of smoke escapes her mouth as she quickens her pace towards the intimidating form of a building she calls her workplace and home (at least in the sense of her spending most of her time there).

She finally races through the entrance, pushing past the group of employees lugging cargo boxes to the storage rooms.

Shouting a quick "Sorry" behind her, Lilly starts her expedition up the stairs towards the office of the granite called a man.

Minutes later, she panted hard as she stepped onto the last floor. Finding herself unable to walk anymore, she collapsed against the cool wall of the hall. Another cramp erupted in her stomach causing said girl to let out a loud groan.

Suddenly, thundering footprints sound from down the hall and a tall, solid silhouette of a man emerges.

"Lilly!" he growls before hurrying towards her heaving body in the floor.

"What's the matter? Are you hurt?" His hands raced over her body, checking for injuries.

"I'm fine- I just- wanted - to show- you some-thing," Lilly pants.

Suddenly Rikkard freezes before narrowing his eyes towards the figure in front of him. "Did you climb the stairs all by yourself?"

Lilly straightens up quickly before flashing a grin, "No, of course not."

Rikkard holds in his desire to roll his eyes at his wife. "Really." He deadpans monotonously. "Who helped you up, love? The ghost of Alexander the Great?"

Lilly sighs in defeat before lowering her head, "Ok fine. I climbed up myself. But you're babying me too much! I can go up a flight of stairs, Dick. I won't die."

"Hush. You know why I told you to be accompanied, preferably by Karim." His words soften,"I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Nothing will happen to him." Lilly's eye turn into slits to warn her husband about arguing with her. "I can be careful. I won't put our child's life at risk, you know that." She speaks softly as she lovingly touches her husband's hand to reassure him.

Lilly widens her eyes as her reason for visit dawns back to her. "Oh! Rikkard!"

She quickly attempts to discard her coat, the chilly air in the office hitting her at once.

"Lilly put your coat back on, it's too cold in here, you will fall ill." Rikkard scolds his crazy wife as she struggles to throw off the coat.

Lilly is finally successful taking her coat off and she turns to the stone of a man midway into rebuking her foolish behavior.

"Lilly, put your coat back-" Rikkard gets cut off as his eyes widen at the pressure against his palm, that is pressed against his wife's baby bump.

"No!" he whispers unbelievingly. A very rare emotion comes back to him, excitement.

"Yes!" Lilly laughs l. "I felt it today morning and I came here to show you."

The man crouches in front of his wife's abdomen, palms pressed tightly against her baby bump to feel his child kick.

"Come on. Kick again. I command you at once," business magnate impatiently growls to the baby.

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