Chapter 11

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Sam's POV:

I guess I passed out before Kim or something like that because the last time I checkled the clock it was like...3. Kim was still asleep so I went downstairs and Soda was on the couch with his DX hat on his soaking wet head of hair. "Um Soda....sweetie usually you um. Usually you dry your hair before putting on a hat." I said trying not to burst out laughing. "You usually also wear pants," Steve said from behind the fridge door. I looked back at Soda and Steve was right. He was only wearing his boxers. "Really? Why are there all of these clothes laws?" Soda said looking for pants on the floor. "Hey Darry? Where's my jeans?" He yelled to Darry. "In your closet like usual?" Darry said sarcastidly. "Thanks Dar." He said heading up the stairs. "Wake up Kim while your at it because she's got to get used to getting up early again for school." Darry said from the stove.

Kim's POV:

I heard Soda yelling to Darry about where something was. He can never find anything, even if it was 2 feet away from him. I felt someone jump on my stomach and heard, "mornin Kim," it was Soda. I sat up and said, "Soda?" "Yea," he said looking back at me. "What did we say about putting on pants when other girls are here?" I said to him raising my eyebrows. "To do it," he said hanging his head down. "You gonna come downstairs?" he asked going into his room and getting his pants. "I need my crutches, they're downstairs next to the T.V." I said. " I'll get 'em for ya," Soda said running down the stairs. He came back up and pretended like he needed crutches and then I said, "Soda, shirt and give me those!" I got out a pair of leggings and one of Soda's old DX shirts with a tangtop underneath so I didn't have to button it. I put my hair in a ponytail and attempted to go down the stairs.

I went to the kitchen and got a couple pieces of bacon from the plate that Darry made and I felt his big arms form around me into a bear hug. "Mornin kiddo," "Mornin Dar," I said. I crutched over to Soda and sat next to him on the couch and he said, "well would ya look at what we have here. My kid sister looks like a little girl version of me." He said laughing. "Whatever you say Soda," I said laughing. I put my head on his shoulder then I asked, "Where's Pony, Dally and Johnny?" "They went to the movies or something." Two-Bit said. "This early? Are they even playing anything this early?" I asked. "I don't know. Why wouldn't they just want to sit here and watch Mickey?" He asked smirking. "Maybe because they aren't as much of Mickey addicts as you." I said. "Me, Darry and Steve have to leave now and won't be home till late tonight because we have to work overtime." Soda said looking down at me. "Why? It's our spring break and you've been working longer and later hours for the past couple of days." Then I paused, "We aren't going broke are we? We aren't gonna have to sell our house are we?" I asked freaking out a little. "No, it's just we could use the extra cash," Steve said wiping the excess chocolate off of the corners of his mouth. "Oh," I said. "Yea I should get goin too, my dad wanted me to help him with the new car." Sam said.

"Well what about me? I don't want to be left alone." I said worried. "We don't either," Darry said. "So maybe I should take the day off because it's the first full day you're out of the hospital," Darry said putting his jacket back down on his chair. "No Darry." Two-Bit said to Darry giving him a weird look. "I'll babysit her. I mean I used to do it all the time when her and Pony were little." He said. "Ok fine," Darry said picking up his jacket. "Good call," He said as him, Soda and Steve headed out the door.

Dally's POV:

Before Kim got up I told the rest of the gang that me Pony and Johnny went to see how much money the necklace that Kim was looking at cost. Then we all went to look for small jobs to all pitch in for it. For the past couple of days Darry, Steve and Soda were working longer to get the extra money for the necklace. Pony would read to the little kids at the library and get some cash and Johnny would organize and clean the book shelves. The only thing I was able to find was washing a few cars. But at least it was something. We went into the mall and found a few places hiring Johnny and Pony where they went to two different stores and were cashiers for a little bit, then stocked some stuff. I went to the Dingo and was a waiter. Yea I know how ridiculous. Me, Dallas Winston. A waiter. That's how you know I would do anything to make her happy. Hopefully the day before Easter we would put all our money together and buy the necklace. I can't remember what Two-Bit was doing for his part. Then I remembered. He was babysitting babies, kids and tweens. He already got bit by a little girl which I couldn't stop laughing about but at least he got extra since she bit him.

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