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Ethan knows he's not the most informed on many things, but he does try to learn about problems. In one of the deeper conversations he and G have, G got deep into racism, and it was the first time Ethan understood his privilege. He takes it for granted, the fact that most of his friends are the ones that educate him on personal issues.

Before he met Sawyer, he knew about LGBT stuff. Like, he knew that America was a lot homophobic, and the gay marriage law wouldn't magically end homophobia, that transphobia and biphobia were still entwined with the community, from outsiders and those inside.

Before Sawyer, he really didn't know about identities outside of the main acronym. A few of his fans that he interacts with regularly are non-binary, and tell him which pronouns to use, and he does it, but agender wasn't with the list.

It'd be easy to look it up, but instead he just wants another excuse to watch an old video of Sawyer's. He remembers that they have one about their gender and sexuality and such, and he opens it to buffer.




SAWYER is sitting on their bed, with fairy lights and a cat-shaped lamp as the main source of light.

Hey, guys! As you can probably see by the title, this is a—informative?—vid about my gender identity and sexualality. So, let's get to it!

There's a jumpcut, and Sawyer is sitting on their bed again, this time wearing a shirt that mimics the bisexual flag.

First off, bisexuality is not an attraction to two genders. That's outdated, and whoever told you that is ignorant, misinformed, or a biphobe. Bisexuality is defined as attraction to two or more genders. And yes, there are more than two genders, genders are on a spectrum, to be discussed later. The reason why bisexuality is defined as attraction to two genders is because of the prefix bi-, and the emergence of pansexuality.

This time, the jumpcut shows Sawyer holding up two sheets of paper, one with the pansexual flag on it, and the other with the definition of pan: all-inclusive.

Pansexuality is a lot more inclusive than bisexuality, right? At least, it sounds and looks that way. Pansexuality came about with the emergence of non-binary genders, like agender, non-binary, genderqueer, so on and so forth. The two are different, because bisexuality can limit who you're attracted to. It says more than one, not all, which the definition for pansexual means. But if someone says pansexuality is more inclusive and better than bisexuality, they're wrong, and please kindly direct them to this video. All bisexuals are valid.

There's a jumpcut to Sawyer wearing the same shirt they had in the beginning of the video.

Now onto gender. Gender is complicated. There's so much that this simple video can't possibly hope to cover it, and besides, this video is about me. Okay, storytime! When I was in middle school I began thinking that I wasn't that much of a girl. So I chopped off all my hair, bought some flannels, and began binding my chest with ace bandages. Side note: never ever bind with ace-bandages, or use two sports bras. It's not healthy for your back at all. Save up until you can buy an Amazon gift card and buy a binder there. And size correctly! Don't go a size down because you want to be flatter—it won't work. Alright, Sawyer, go off on a tangent, why don't you? No, but I tried to present more masculine, but after awhile I realized that didn't really fit. So I did some searching, and found non-binary, and under that was agender! So I tried to pass as somewhat androgynous, although I don't try that often unless I'm hit with a truck of dysphoria, and I have a binder for those days. Sometimes, getting a period is really hard. Sometimes, I'm not in the mood to do anything. And agender, which, along with non-binary, is under the trans umbrella.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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