Chapter 7: Cassie

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Hey guys, this chapter is gonna be super long since the last one was really short. Hope you enjoy:) Also I am trying a new style of writing. You'll see the difference. Now to the story...

I jump, not because I'm committing suicide, but because I should risk my life for Sam's. I know we just saw each other, and I made a promise to always stay with him. So I will do whatever I can to survive, and If I come out of this alive. I'll find him.

Ben yells at me before I go, I shed a tear and leap to the ground. I roll and get up running towards the drone that has been setting off explosions around us. I have a gun and grenade, hopefully that will be enough to take that thing down. I hear another yell and look over my should to see Ben running in my direction.

Why the heck is he doing this? I think to myself. He catches up to me and gives me a look. I roll my eyes and we stop at our camp we just abandoned. Back to back we look around. Both with guns in our hands, only I have a grenade. A gray blur passes around us. Surrounding us with fear, but panicking is not gonna get me anywhere. So I whisper to Ben

" what do we do now?"

" we stay until we memorize it's pattern. Then when the next cycle comes, you hit it with the grenade. Ok?" He says under his breathe.

"What do you mean cycles?"

" if you realize that droids are programmed to do a certain thing when they set a target. We just have to memorize it and we got it in the bag..."

I chuckle a little " ok, I trust you."

We then examine it for a little while longer and it makes two circles around us and stops at the third tree to my left, and his right for exactly 5 seconds. So when it teaches the three Ben is gonna shoot and I throw the grenade a little ways to the left of his shooting range so when the drone starts to move to escape. It will be blown up my the explosions impact.

Pretty good plan right?

So on queue he shoots when it stops, and I throw the grenade. We run as a flame or red and yellow erupts from it. And I am knocked off my feet onto the ground on top of Ben.

All I see is total darkness, and then I black out.

[several hours later] ------------------

I wake up on Ben, he's knocked out just as I was a few seconds ago. We both have cuts and bruises all over. I look up from my position with my head on is chest and he is smiling.

"I know your awake." I said.

He starts laughing, and I just roll my eyes and plop next to him.

"You think there are coming back for us?" I sigh and his laughter died down.

"Ringer will come back, especially because Nugget is probably crying his eyes out because your not there."

I punch him in the chest and he smiles.

"How the heck did we do that?" I ask almost questioning how we even killed it. I've never before and haven't heard of anyone doing that.

" I honestly don't know." He says monotone.

That was extraordinary, maybe it didn't expect a fight so it ran when we tried. Either way we are alive, and that's all that matters. So, we wait in silence.

"Thank you." I say

"I feel like we are gonna be saying that a lot to each other." He says.

It's true. We've helped each other a lot in these last few days and I don't know if we could have survived without each other. Especially me considering to the situation we were both in right now. I didn't even know drones were programmed. Must have been something he learned at that camp. Why would they teach them how to destroy their own. I don't know, and probably never figure out why. So I don't question him.

" I know, thanks though. I really mean it. I didn't really think it through before I jumped. All I knew is that I wanted to kill that thing before it killed you the way his name is Samuel. I call him Sam. But try calling him that. It's the only thing left from our past." I say my voice started shaking immediately.

Stop it Cassie, your better than this.
I know I am. So as soon as Ben takes me into an embrace.

I say "it's fine really. I don't know why I'm doing this. It doesn't happen often."

"Oh come on, hugs are always necessary!" He exclaims.

I start to laugh into his chest and he holds me tighter. I can't believe I am hugging Ben freaking Parish. This was my dream not so long ago. My priorities have changed obviously since the world started falling apart before my eyes. But this, is all I need right now.

We break apart to the sound of a humvees engine rattling loud. For a second we stared into each other's eyes. Almost startled by our actions, but we shake it off when it stops and Sam runs out into my arms. He has puffy cheeks and red eyes but I don't care. I'm here now. So I take him into my arms and kiss his forehead as he sobs into my chest. Ben smiles at us as he gets in; I follow behind and ringer fills us in on what happened while we left.

" what the hell were you guys thinking?!? As soon as you left Sam was crying hysterically. I kept going, I was gonna go back for you later but he was starting to get on my nerves,"
Sam looks annoyed but I could imagine him now. He was probably panicking. I feel sorry that I did that but we would have all been toast.

"So we turned around and on the way we saw a camp. I'm not sure if they're humans but all of them have their trackers taken out. They must have been refugees from the camp....."

Everything else meant nothing to me, refugees from the death camp. Escaping? Leaving? What?!?

Then I think Ethan. Could he be alive? And with that I faint into nothingness.

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