Chapter 1

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"Hehe," my girlfriend, Ashley, giggled. I chased her around her room. I watched her brown wavy hair bounce.

"I'm gonna get you," I softly yelled at her. I ran a little faster. I caught her and we fell to the floor, chest to chest. I sat up, she did the same. We both laughed. We are meant for each other, I thought to myself. I smiled at her. "Love you," I whispered, centimeters away from her face. She rested her forehead on mine. She smiled happily at me.

"Forever my love," she whispered back to me. We both leaned closer to each others face. We kissed for a few seconds, then her brother, Martin, came bursting through the door. We broke apart quickly.

"He's here," we both asked worriedly, looking at him, impatiently waiting for an answer. He nodded his head. I looked back at Ashley. She was looking down at her hands. I lifted her head up and gave her a small quick kiss on the lips.

"Forever," I reminded her, peering into her bright blue eyes. She smiled and nodded her head. I got up and followed Martin to the back door. We walked out of the house. I stayed by the door and he went to find out where his father was.

He came back and gestured for me to follow him. I did as he asked. We both slowly walked to the fence where I usually left. I accidentally stepped on a small twig that snapped loudly. Martin and I flatted ourselves on the shed.

The father came around the corner. He looked at the spot the twig snapped. Lucky he didn't see us flattening up against the shed wall. At first anyways.

He scanned the area. He looked at the shed just as I was going to go around the corner.

"Hey," he yelled at me. "What are you doing at my house?" He got out his pistol and began to shoot at me. "Go away," he screamed. "Leave my daughter alone!" I ran for the fence.

I looked back at Martin. He was slowly approaching his dad. He tried to talk to him, but his dad got frustrated with him and pushed him into the shed really hard. He fell limply to the ground.

I looked ahead again. I was approaching the fence really fast. I prepared to jump over the fence. The fence got the bottom of my leg, but I easily could continue without hesitation.

As soon as I had passed the fence the shooting stopped. I looked back at what he was doing. He was walking towards the house. He didn't pay anymore attention to me.

I sat down in the grass and checked the bottom of my leg. The fence was barbed wire, so it had cut my leg up pretty good. I used my pants to clean my leg up a bit.

Once it was cleaned up as good as it could be right there I continued on. I walked until I could not walk no more. I stopped at the church that was conveniently there.

I went in. It was a big church. The ceilings were high up, the stain glass windows were just as tall as the ceiling, and it seemed like it shined.

I knew there was medical supply backstage, so I went on a search to find out how to get to the back stage.

Once I found it I went in and checked all the drawers for stuff to clean it up better than how it was. I found the stuff almost immediately and cleaned myself up. I sat down in a fluffy computer chair.

When I was done cleaning myself up I fell asleep.


"Should we call the cops," someone asked. I tried opening my eyes.

"Oh my. He's waking up," someone else yelled. I shielded my eyes from the bright light and opened my eyes. I looked at the people around me, probably looking very confused. Someone held up a bat. I looked at them shocked. I backed up, but made the seat fall over. Everyone jumped back.

"Are you alright?" I looked back at them. A kid, about 10 years old, walked closer towards me. I sat still and watched the boy approach me.

He grabbed the chair and put it back up. After he put the chair up he held out his hand to help me up. I took it and got up.

A girl a bit younger than me dropped the bat and started towards me. I stood silent and still. She had a smile on her face. She had blond curly hair and a skinny figure, not skinny like a twig though.

She stood in front of me. She looked at my face. I backed up a bit. The two older people stayed back and watched me.

"Who are you and why are you backstage ," the older guy and gal asked.

"My name's Jason Brown. I came back here just to clean my leg up." They all looked at my leg. I lifted my pant leg up. They looked at the uncovered injury.

"What happened," the younger girl asked. I wondered if I should tell them or lie. If I told them I could probably get Ashley's father to go to jail for what he does.

"I was being shot at and jumped over a barbed wire fence. I didn't jump high enough and fence got me a bit." They gasped.

"Shot at? By who," the older guy asked.

"My girlfriends father." Everyone was quiet now. "I should probably head home now," I awkwardly said.

I started towards the door. The girl stopped me.

"We could drive you home." We looked back at her parents. They nodded.

"If you stay here for another hour or so we can drive you home. It wouldn't be a problem." I nodded.

"Okay. I'll stay." They went off in their own direction. The boy sat in the computer chair and played on his DS, thhe girl walked out, and the parents sat in the other chairs.

"Hey!" I jumped then turned around to find the little girl. "Hahahaha," she laughed at me. She stopped laughing, and looked at me with a sorry look. "Sorry, that was rude. Come sit down." She patted the seat next to her. I stood there unsure for a while, then I finally walked over to the couch she was on and sat down. She crinkled her nose at me when I sat down,

"What," I asked.

"Why don't you relax? Like put up your feet." I thought about it, then I realized why.

"A few hours ago my girlfriend was shot." She stopped looking at her nails, and looked at me amazed.

"Ho-Why was she shot?" She looked at me with a sad expression. I stared into her eyes for a while, then looked away. I stared at poofy chairs while telling her what happened.

"Her dad didn't like me, and I assume he missed me and had shot her." I took a deep breath. I quickly glanced at her, then looked down at my hands. When I looked at her it looked like she was about to cry.

"Where d-did she get shot?" I heard her voice crack. I looked up at her tear streaked face.


"Like, where, as in a place," she explained. I thought about it for a little bit.

"You know that house a little bit outside of town?" She sat there for a little bit thinking about it.

"The little light blue one?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah, that one. She's somewhere in the grass field." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I looked down at my hands, then randomly a pair of warm, soft hands lifted up my head.

"I'm so sorry," the girl said letting a few more tears roll down her face, after they fell she gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked away. "Good Night," I heard her whisper. I watched her walk away. I laid back on the couch and thought for what seemed like hours.


Like it?!

This is one of the dreams I had, except the stuff I added... Weird/Violent huh?

Well, Love You Bye!

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