One: "You'll Have to Get Used to Not Talking"

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OK so I was going back to read this & realized how bad it was so if you read this before 12/31/17 than its been edited a LOT

Remus softly whistled one of Mozart's symphonies as he walked down the empty corridor to the Gryffindor tower. Even though it was only his third year he had the twisty halls of Hogwarts memorized like the back of his hand. Two turns to the right one to the left and up the stairs. He repeated to himself.

He was about three feet away from the staircase to the tower when he felt his feet go weightless. His legs quickly snapped above his head causing him to drop his books and the apple he had been carrying.

Remus sighed before lifting his head to see if by any chance the caster was still around. He groaned when he didn't see anybody within a 20 foot radius. He was about to see if he could reach his wand to get him out of this predicament when a face popped into his vision. This time he screamed which he was sure didn't sound very manly, but what the hell was he supposed to do?

It took about five seconds for Remus to realize who was standing in front of him, and about three for him to start shouting. "Sirius if you don't get me down in .2 seconds so help me I will -"

Sirius cut him off by putting his wand to his lips. Remus's brows knit together in confusion. He tried to open his mouth to say something but Sirius cut him off again.

"Nah-ah Moony, you'll have to get used to not talking." Sirius said before casting the Lip-Lock Jinx on Remus.

Shite. Remus thought. This is bad. This is really freaking bad. In his mind he went over all the possible solutions but in the end, the only 'solution' he could think of was kissing his heart's desire like the jinx wants you to. Remus shook his head. He'd rather be mute than have to kiss his crush. Oh! And how was he gonna tell the Marauders? Hey guys just so you know I just locked lips with the guy we've been picking on since first year? Remus shivered at the thought. This was going to be rough.


Severus was walking to the Potions classroom to get the notes he missed while he was in the infirmary with the Bat Bogey hex. James Potter & Friends ™ had cornered him in the hall again, and honestly Severus should really stop being so surprised.

" If you don't get me down in .2 seconds so help me I will - "

Severus knew that voice. He also knew that he should probably stop walking and hide behind the tapestry while he still had the chance, because when Lupin was mad he was mad.

Severus faintly heard the incantation to the Lip-Lock Jinx followed by footsteps and a bang which he could only assume was the sound of Lupin hitting his head on the ground.

Severus walked out from behind the tapestry and thanked Merlin that no was there to see him. He walked over to Lupin and sighed when the boy didn't respond to Severus calling his name. Severus decided that just because he was a Slytherin didn't mean he couldn't taken Lupin to the hospital wing.

He hoisted the Gryffindor up, but the only way he could carry Lupin's langy limbs was by holding him bridal style. Now Severus was really thanking Merlin that nobody was there to see him. Severus started walking and immediately regretted it when Lupin stuffed his face into Severus's chest and Severus did not blush. (He did not.)

After what seemed like forever, Severus finally made it to the Hospital Wing. Severus slid Remus out of his arms to open the door, and he did not blush again when Lupin whimpered. As soon as he opened the door he picked Lupin up again even though it was completely unnecessary.

He carried Lupin to a bed and was surprised when Pomphrey came out of her office two seconds later. A look of concern splayed across her face, which Severus guessed was usual for a Meddiwitch.

Pomphrey took Lupin out of Severus's arms and Severus did not blush when Lupin whimpered again. She carried him into what looked like a private quarter. Severus could see her laying him down before coming back out, closing the door behind her.

"Do you know of his conditions?" She asked, her voice soft.

"I know what happened to him, if that's what you're asking." He said, his voice not nearly as soft as Pomphrey's. At this point, Severus had no idea what was going on. Didn't Lupin just hit his head? Why was Pomphrey so concerned?

Pomphrey had a look of understanding on her face, "Well, no. That's not what I was asking. But your information will come in handy." She said, her lips tight.

"Well, his friend put him in a Levicorpus, then the Lip-Lock Jinx. I think he fell and hit his head." Snape said, looking through the window of Remus's room. Pomphrey looked way to relieved for Severus's comfort.

"Thank you for your time." She said monotonously before ushering Severus out.


Remus awoke to a familiar white ceiling. He tensed up immediately but sighed in relief when he could move all of his limbs. He sat up, but his hand shot up to his head. He groaned. Minor concussion. He thought. He shook his head and stood up, it wasn't the full moon, he didn't have any excuses to skip class. He hoped Pomphrey wouldn't mind.


Shit. Severus thought. He was late for Potions, which as would be expected caused a scene when he burst through the door in the middle of Slughorn's lesson. Severus glared daggers at the back of Black's head for hurting Lupin. Nothat he liked him or anything. Cause you know, mortal enemies and all. But that was besides the point.


Hey! I'm so sorry it took so long for me to edit this pls don't kill me guys lol

Hey! I'm so sorry it took so long for me to edit this pls don't kill me guys lol

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That rainbow is def gay

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