Four "You're mute, and I'm the worst conversationalist to ever walk the Earth."

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Aloha readers! It's 2018! Will this finally be the year our Hogwarts letters come:))? Probably not, but we can hope.

"Hello, Remus." Remus jumped. He tore his eyes off of the pancake he was currently abusing with his fork to meet the voice.

 He waved lazily before looking back down at his plate.

"So, I was talking to a couple Slytherin's earlier this morning," Lily trailed off, making eye contact with Remus.

Remus groaned, remembering that morning. He nodded his head slowly, turning to face Lily

"Wha -"

Remus put a finger on Lily's lips.  Using his other hand, he gestured at the newly appeared sausage in front of Lily, hoping she would take the hint.

Lily pouted, but picked up her fork anyway.  Remus eyed the Great Hall. It was slowly getting crowded,  surprising because it was a Saturday. Remus subconsciously scanned the Slytherin table, unaware of his eyes landing on a certain Severus Snape.

"Remus aren't you gonna ask why I was talking to Bella, Ciss, and Lucius?" Lily asked, her voice resembling a child.

Remus groaned again, his eyes not leaving Snape. His fork hit the edge of his plate instead of the pancake (which he was still stabbing).

Lily smiled triumphantly. "Well ha!," She crossed her arms, "'Cause I'm not telling." She stuck her tongue out, making her nose scrunch up.

Remus sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Also, are you aware that you've been staring at Sev for the last 5 minutes?"Lily asked.

Remus's eyes widened. Shit,  He curse mentally, eyes finally leaving Snape's. He turned to Lily and threw his head into her shoulder. He groaned, yet again, but it was muffled by Lily's robes

"Drama queen much?" Lily said, pushing Remus off your shoulder, "Besides, don't worry. He was staring at you too." She was chewing on her food as she spoke, a habit Remus thought was disgusting.

Really?,  Remus cringed at the fact he was mouthing instead of talking. Although he was pretty thankful Lily couldn't hear his voice. (Which probably would have sounded like a 12 year old girl)

Lily laughed. "See for yourself." She tilted her head towards the Slytherin table. Remus hesitantly followed his with his eyes. However, he immediately looked away when he saw a blushing Slytherin staring back at him.

Remus turned back to Lily, his face heating up. Thanks for that, He tried to send sarcastic vibes, but his face (which now probably looked  like a 12 year old girl) wouldn't corporate with him.

Lily laughed again, but turned back to her food, reminding Remus he had to actually eat. He sighed and picked up his fork again, this time instead of stabbing his pancake he sliced and ate it.


"I'm telling you, Sev, he was totally staring at you."

"Lucius for the last time, he was just zoning out." Severus said, rolling his eyes.

Lucius clucked his tongue. "Sure, Sev." He said, sharply turning down a corridor. "I'm going to force you to hang out with Lupin." He stated, as if it were nothing.

Severus stopped abruptly. " What? " He asked, his eyebrows going up, almost mixing with his hair.

"Shh," Lucius grabbed Severus's arm and kept walking, pulling Severus along, "We knew you'd be reluctant, which is why I didn't tell you until now." He accented each word, talking as if Severus was a child.

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