Six: "That's honestly really disgusting but whatever."

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Oh my g o d  guys i'm so sorry i haven't updated in forever, I promise to try and get back on a normal editing schedule, and if  I forget, remind me in the comments. Ack, here u go.

Remus stood awkwardly in front of the Fat Lady. The password had changes while he was still mute, so he didn't bother to learn it. Nice job, Remus. He thought. Now you'll be stuck out here for hours until somebody else comes. Remus briefly wondered if knocking would do anything, but the thought of pounding on the portrait's stomach made him dismiss the idea. He was about to sit on the stairs when he heard footsteps. Ah yes, finally. My savior has arrived. He waited a few more seconds before the person arrived. When he saw it was Sirius, he muttered a silent prayer because that meant he wouldn't have to make awkward small talk with a stranger.

Sirius nodded Remus's way in acknowledgement before stating the password. Remus made a mental note to remember Lemon Drops before he followed Sirius into the common room.

"I present to you the great Remus of the Lupin house." Sirius said, in an old time knight voice. He did a weird hand gesture Remus thought slightly resembled a gang sign before he bowed.

"Hi." Remus said, forgetting momentarily he wasn't supposed to talk.

There was a long moment of silence, in which the people in the common room (James, Lily, Peter, and a random first year [ how convenient] ) stood with there eyes slightly bugged.

It was James to speak first. "You kissed him?!" He asked, an incredulous look on his face.

Remus felt his cheeks heat up. "Yeah." He squeaked.

Sirius smiled. "High five, man! I wish I had your guts."Remus lamely hit Sirius's hand with his. His eyebrow went up in confusion, Sirius was one of the bravest people Remus knew, but he didn't question it.

"Remus!" Lily squealed. She jumped up and grabbed Remus's hands. "You have to tell me all about it!"

Remus was going to protest, but Lily was already dragging him out of the common room.


Severus felt like a teenage girl. He he was, sitting in the middle of the common room at the in the fucking morning (seriously, he needs sleep) talking about his feeling with Narcissa. Lucius and Bella had went to bed, like normal human beings, but Narcissa didn't seem to be tired at all. She just talked, and talked, and talked, and-

"Sev!" Severus jumped at her voice. He hadn't realized he was falling asleep, but honestly wasn't surprised.

"Sorry Cis,"  He grumbled, rubbing his eyes with his hand, "Some of us have normal sleep cycles."

Narcissa seemed to think Severus was very funny, based on how loud her laugh was. "Don't be silly, Severus. I want to know all the details."

Severus rolled his eyes. "I told you those six hours ago." He deadpanned. Narcissa laughed again.

"No," She said, matter-o-factly, "You told me what happened. I want to know how you felt."

"That's honestly really disgusting but whatever."

After that night, Severus and Narcissa would be closer than ever. But at what cost?


The next morning at breakfast, Remus was surprised to see the news of him getting rid of the jinx had spread so fast. Gossip at Hogwarts wasn't easy to find, so if even the slightest interesting got out about you, expect to be famous by morning. That was something James had told Remus once. Remus brushed it off because James was drunk and he says some weird things when he's drunk. 

When Remus sat down, all conversation at the Gryffindor table stopped. People stared at him, and didn't try to conceal their whispers at all. Remus rolled his eyes and began to eat the bole of oatmeal in front of him. It took a few minutes for any of his friends to arrive, meaning he had to suffer from social anxiety for a whole few minutes.

When Lily got there, she took her usual seat to the left of him, James to her left, and Sirius to Remus's right.  "Hey." James said, trying to casually slide an arm around Lily (emphasis on trying). 

Lily shook James off and moved slightly more towards Remus. "Ha, she likes me better than you." Remus said, sticking his tongue out at James.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Like it matter, with you and your gay ass."

Remus jumped slightly and looked around, relieved when he didn't see anybody looking at them anymore. "Sirius!" He said, slapping him lightly.

"Oh come on, everybody already knows. Have you seen yourself." Sirius said.

Remus felt his face turn red. "Shut up." He said, though he was smiling.

"What do you bet Severus and Lucius are having this same conversation right now?" Lily asked, completely ignoring James.

"More likely than you think," Sirius said, "Look."

Remus looked up to the Slytherin table, and had to bite his tongue to conceal the laugh threatening to spill. Severus was hiding his head in his hands, while Malfoy was laughing his eyes out (a/n does anybody actually say that or is my family just weird?). 


"Severus, there's no need to be embarrassed. You're a twink for Lupin. I get it."

"Oh my god, shut up Lucius!" Severus said.

They were walking to Potions class, because education is important. Stay in school kids. Everybody else seemed to hate Potions. Severus didn't get it. Potions is amazing. You can make somebody barf, you can kill somebody, you can even make somebody fall in love! What's not to love about Potions? Or maybe he liked it because Remus was in this class. Meh.

When they walked into the classroom, nobody else was there, which probably should've put Severus off, but he didn't care. Lucius led them to there usual spots in the back of the room. Not because they were cool, but because it was the easiest place to see the board from.

"Sev I have something to tell you." Lucius said, almost to fast for Severus to understand.

"Yeah?" Severus responded, slightly concerned for Lucius's well being. He was strumming his fingers on the desk, and he looked really worried, "Did somebody die?"

Lucius shook his head. "So-I-think-I-might-have-a-thing-for-Black-but-I-don't-know-if-I'm-gay-please-don't-tell-anybody." Lucius said, speaking so quickly it all formed into one word.

Severus barked out a laugh. "Well I already knew that."

"You did?"

Severus sighed. "I've known you for 13 years, Lucius. I know everything about you."


Guys I'm sorry its short and doesn't really have any Snupin but I had to get something posted. Also tell me if you want me to stop doing the Sirius and Lucius thing. I don't even ship them, it just sort of happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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