Two: "It is Snivellus!"

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Sirius was walking to see Remus, who is still in the Hospital Wing. He rounded a corner and got pulled into an alcove. He turned around and saw none other than Remus Lupin.

"Hello." Sirius said through a grin. Remus wasn't usually one for doing bad things, but this felt right. He punched Sirius. Right in the nose.

"OUCH!" Sirius yelled, luckily not loud enough to draw attention to anybody. He moved a hand to cup his nose. "What was that for?" He asked sharply.

Remus pulled his best bitch face and pointed to his mouth. A wave of realization ran of Sirius's face, but it quickly vanished and was replaced with a smirk. Sirius let out a low hum, before slowly leaning in and kissing Remus.

Remus's eyes widened. And took a moment for his brain to register what was going on. But when he did, his first instinct was to log his knee up, hitting Sirius in the crotch. Hard.

Sirius broke away fast. Taking a step back. Remus glared at him.

"I'm guessing it's not me then." Sirius said slowly. Remus nodded in response.

"Who is it then?" Sirius asked, his guilt and rejection replaced with curiosity.

Remus just blushed and looked down, causing Sirius to laugh. "Look mate, I completely respect your choices. I mean as long as its not Snivellus, then your fine." He said.

Remus didn't look up, he just shut his eyes tightly.

"Merlin's beard!" Sirius said, "It is Snivellus!"

Remus nodded slowly before looking up.

"Well than, we're gonna have to get Snape to kiss you." Sirius said, deciding that the nickname Snivellus would no longer fit.

Remus smiled wryly, before walking off with Sirius.


"Sev, you must tell us what happened!" Lucius Malfoy asked, leaning closer to Severus.

Bellatrix and Narcissa nodded enthusiastically, also leaning closer.

He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. Why do they always choose my bed to talk on? "Fine." He muttered before straightening his back.

"So I was walking to get the notes for potions from yesterday," The group nodded, "And I heard Black and Lupin. Black had Lupin in the Levicorpis, and then he put a Lip-Lock Jinx on him," Severus pretended not to see the girls giggle and Lucius smirk. "He fell on his head and I carried him to the Infirmary," Severus took a deep breath, "And he might've cuddled into me and whimper when I pt him down."

"Oh, Sev." Narcissa sighed.

"You're hopeless!" Lucius exclaimed.

Severus raised am eyebrow. "Wha -"

Bellatrix covered Severus's mouth with her hand. "Severus, you have been crushing on Lupin since second year, I think that it's time we finally got you two together."

Narcissa squealed. "Yay!" She shouted, "No more comments from Severus about how stupid Lupin's hair looks!"

"Or how obnoxiously blue his eyes are-" Lucius added

"Or how ridiculously tall he is-"

"Oh! Or how Severus just wishes he would stop picking on him!" Bellatrix added

"Oh my god! Just shut up! I don't have a crush on him!" Severus yelled.

The other three looked at him and he groaned. "Ugh, your right!" He said. " I totally have a crush on him." He cried.

"Ha! He admits it!" Lucius said.

"Now we must brainstorm ideas of how to get them to fuck." Bellatrix said.

Severus covered his ears. "Okay, that's enough! Leave now." He said

The other three laughed. "Bye Severus, good luck with your boyfriend." Narcissa taunted.

Severus flopped onto his bed. "I am never going to live this down.


"Guys!" Sirius shouted. " Guys guess what!"

James, Lily, and Peter all gathered around the fire where Sirius and Remus were sitting. "What is it?" Lily asked, slightly concerned for Remus's health. He looked like shit.

"Okay, so I might have put Remus under the Lip-Lock, and I might have given him a small concussion, but it was worth it!" Sirius lowered his voice so only the Marauders and Lily could hear him.

"What could possibly make that worth it?" James asked.

"Weeeeeeelll, I found out who Remus here his crushing on."

"Who?" They all whisper-yelled at once.

"Snape!" Sirius said excitedly.

Lily was the only one who didn't look like she was going to barf. "Really, Remus? That's great! Sev's a really good person once you get to know him!"

Despite his embarrassment Remus nodded his head to thank Lily.

James seemed to jump out of his stupor, as he coughed and jumped forward to Remus. "Mate, good for you!" He said, "We'll stop pranking him."

"Yeah." Peter agreed but he didn't seem to happy about it.

"Ooh!" Lily exclaimed. "Let's get you two together!"

Sirius nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yeah, instead of pranking Snape, we could make his dreams come true by pairing him up with Remus!"

Remus shook his head softly. Guys, he doesn't like me. There's no point. He wanted to say, but he couldn't talk. Stupid Lip-Lock. He thought.


Sorry for the short chapter! I edited it to make it longer:) Also, I'm going to start updating this story. Ik it took a really long time, but my Wattpad wasn't connecting to my email so I couldn't write things. But I'm back now! Yayyy!
don't come after me lol

 But I'm back now! Yayyy!don't come after me lol

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