Beautiful birds chirping, their pleasant voice, falling of leaves from the pale trees, those thunder storm, sudden cracking of land, burst out raining, and then a slow calm, every thing is in his hand.
Sitting under the dark sky, I realised how great my Allah is.
£ the twinkling of stars under dark £ the shining of sky under sun £ raining of water under heat £ covering of animals under sheath.
Even if we take TREES as an example, There are number of things to be noticed.
Every tree is different from other, every shape of leaf is different from other.
Every flower has different designed petals, subdivided into males and females.
Every bird is different from another one, Every butterfly has his own colour, even every human being's finger print is different from one another.
I was thinking of,how Allah manage those things at a time, Subhan Allah🍁. And, yet we don't shame.
Below is a beautiful poetic lines on Salaath, which was written by my favourite poet,
"MannatKyunMaangte Ho AuronKeDarbarSe ? AisaKaunsaKaamHai Jo HotaNahiTereParwardigarse ?"
GuzarGayiNamaz-E-Fajr AurTuSotaRaha... QeemtiWaqt Ko Khawaboun Me KhotaRaha.....
SubhaNamodaar Hui Par TuBedaarNaHua... UmarBhar So KarBhiTu BezaarNaHua.....
Aayi Zohar TohTujheKaam NeUljhaDiya.... Be NamaaziBanaKarKitna TujhePhansaDiya.......