Chapter Two: The Conversation

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks for all your sweet comments on the first chapter, they mean a lot to me! I'm sorry that this chapter is like weirdly long, it just kind of sets up the whole plot so I didn't want to cut it anywhere! Anyway, hope you enjoy chapter two! Remember to vote, comment, and follow!

- Troye’s POV -

I stood anxiously outside Tyler’s door, trying to calm my nerves.

I was excited to see him, I really was, but I also knew that today I had to talk to him about something that was not exactly a part of our usual conversation. I wiped my sweaty palms on my black skinny jeans and looked up in surprise when Tyler suddenly flung open the door, a huge smile on his face. I couldn’t help but smile widely back despite my nervousness. It was just so good to see him. I reached out immediately to wind my arms around his neck as he pulled me in by the waist and I immediately felt my entire body relax into the embrace, despite my fears.

Tyler had become one of my very best friends over the past two years. I literally couldn’t even imagine my life without him in it anymore. That was one reason I was so worried to ask him what I was about to ask him. What if he was so freaked out by what I said that he didn’t want to be friends with me anymore? In the back of my mind, I knew that even if Tyler didn’t say yes to what I asked, he’d still treat me with respect and empathy. It was one of the reasons I trusted him so completely . . . and why he was the only person I trusted with this particular problem.

Tyler and I had been hugging for quite a long time, so I reluctantly pulled away. Tyler’s hands lingered on my waist slightly and he almost seemed disappointed that I had pulled away from the hug. A second later though, he was beaming at me again and gesturing from me to come inside.

“Come inside! It’s been waaaaay too long! We have so much to gossip about! Do you want something to drink? Coffee, tea, water . . . wine, beer?” He finished, winking.

I threw myself down on the couch and said, “Actually a beer would be really nice.”

I definitely needed a drink before bringing up this particular topic.

“Coming right up.” 

As Tyler walked into the kitchen, he threw yet another smile over his shoulder at me.

“I’m really happy you’re here, Troye,” he said.

I swallowed and forced a smile as he turned toward the kitchen. I was becoming more nervous by the second, but at the same time, Tyler’s living room, as always, had a calming affect on me, the same way his hugs did. I wiped my palms on my jeans again as Tyler came back into the living room with two open beer bottles. He passed one to me and then sat down cross-legged on the couch, facing me.

“SO? Tell me everything! I haven’t talked to you properly in like two days! How was your flight?”

I laughed nervously.

“It was fine,” I said.

Tyler stared at me blankly.

“That’s it? It was fine? You always have stories after a day of flying! No crazy lady at customs? No cute boys on your flight? No potential soul mates at baggage claim?”

I shifted uneasily. Tyler suddenly put down his beer on the coffee table and turned to face me more directly, laying a hand on my arm, causing me to jump slightly. 

His concerned stare forced me to meet his eyes as he asked, “Troye, is everything ok?”

I swallowed again. 

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to sound casual and failing miserably.

Tyler raised an eyebrow skeptically.

Friends With Benefits: A Troyler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now