Chapter Five: The Build Up

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A/N: Aaaaaaaaaah. How do I even begin? I am totally overwhelmed by all your amazing comments. I honestly can't believe how kind and supportive you all are and that you are all so into this story! I especially love how you guys really seem to pick up on things I want to get across about their relationship. Nothing makes it easier to write than great readers, so thank you so much! I can't wait to here what you think of this chapter, although I'm kind of nervous now that so many people are reading! Anyway! Enough about me, here's some Troyler yumminess for all of you! We're not quite in smut territory yet, but soon, my thirsty loves.

- Troye’s POV -

When I woke up the next day, I was still nervous, but this time anticipation somewhat outweighed the nerves. I had no idea what was in store for the day . . . but I just couldn’t wait to see Tyler again.

I had been thinking about kissing him pretty much since the second I left the car. Whenever I thought about him, I just felt this restless excitement in my stomach. I wanted to skip ahead in time to when I could be around him . . . and I really wanted him to touch me again.

I blushed and giggled slightly at my own thoughts, then heaved myself out of bed to get ready. Normally, it took me ages to wake up, but today I was wide awake immediately, excited to head over to Tyler’s apartment again. And not just because of the benefits part of friends with benefits. I had really missed my best friend and I was hoping that today, now that the intensely awkward conversation was over and my anxiety had calmed slightly, we’d be able to have a bit more fun together, like usual.

Well. Maybe not quite like usual.

By the time I had showered, dressed, and fixed my hair, it was nearly time for Tyler to be there. I smiled at my reflection. Why did I feel so much calmer than yesterday?

Then I realized that I knew why. It was because I knew, with absolute certainty, that Tyler would make sure I was 100% ok with everything we were doing. I knew that I wouldn’t have stopped yesterday if he hadn’t and the fact that he had stopped himself so I wouldn’t regret anything or so we wouldn’t do something I wasn’t ready for made me feel completely secure with him. Even if I wasn’t looking out for myself, he was looking out for me.

I bit my lip through my smile, realizing that another reason I felt so much more confident today is that I had received a huge boost of confidence yesterday. 

Tyler wanted me. A lot. 

That much had been made clear by his insistent kisses, grasping hands, the noises that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside him . . . what I had felt pressed against my hip. I smiled to myself. I felt hot all over just thinking about his dark, hooded eyes staring at me from across the couch once he had pulled away. Maybe today he wouldn’t have to.

My phone vibrated, startling me out of reverie and I felt my stomach summersault, this time from excitement and just the tiniest bit of nervousness. Without even looking at the text, I hurried out of my hotel room and down to the parking lot. I saw Tyler’s car and my lips turned up in a tentative smile. I didn’t know what to expect today, but I was glad I was spending it with Tyler.

I swung into the passenger seat, Tyler seeming unsurprised by my unannounced entrance. He must have been watching me in the rear view mirror.

“Thai or pizza?” he asked me without looking at me, lazily pulling out of the car park.

“Thai,” I answered immediately, then gasped as he made a sharp left turn. He grinned at my reaction.

A minute later I saw why we had turned so suddenly as Tyler pulled up in front of a Thai restaurant.

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