Chapter Seven: The Reciprocation

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A/N: Hey guys! Smut warning! That is all! By the way, not EVERY chapter will have smut, just, you know, a lot of them. ; ) Enjoy, vote, comment, follow, etc, I love to hear your thoughts!

- Troye’s POV -

I got up very late the next day, feeling refreshed and happy. I had texted Stephen for another hour after I got back to the hotel last night, but I knew that the real reason I had slept so well wasn’t because of the late hour I went to bed, but because my body was exhausted from the extreme pleasure Tyler had put it through. I wriggled down into my sheets happily at the memory. I dozed for another half hour, drifting in and out of waking and sleeping dreams, sighing as I felt myself getting more and more turned on remembering Tyler’s bare chest, his lips wrapped around me, his dark eyes boring into mine . . .

I sat up straight, trying to stop myself from getting hard. I didn’t get to see Tyler for another hour or two and I didn’t want to spend that hour is lustful agony. I decided to go take a shower (probably a cold one) and start to get ready to go over to Tyler's.

At about 1:00 I was ready to go, sitting on the edge of my bed, tapping my feet and waiting for my Uber. I got a text from the driver and hopped up excitedly. The whole drive to Tyler’s my legs were jittering and restless. I now realized what Tyler meant when he said sex could be intoxicating. It wasn’t just that you wanted more in the moment, but once you’d had a taste of what it was like for someone to make you feel that way, you just wanted to feel it again. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next, although I still didn’t feel that I was ready to go all the way just yet.

When I got to Tyler’s, I practically leapt out of the car. I was going to try to be a bit more confident today, maybe initiate a kiss or two. I wanted him to feel as wanted as he made me feel. I bounced on my heels outside Tyler’s door, waiting for him to open up. I felt strangely giddy today and there were butterflies in my stomach. When he finally opened the door, I grinned widely and immediately pulled him in for a kiss. He made a muffled noise of surprise, but quickly relaxed into the kiss, pulling me inside and shutting the door. 

I couldn’t stop smiling enough to really kiss properly, so I pulled away. 

“Hey,” I said in a laughing, breathless voice.

“Hey,” Tyler answered, still surprised, but beaming.

It was only then that I noticed how tired he looked, despite his smile. He had purple circles under his eyes, his face was pale, and he was still wearing sweatpants.

“Are you ok? You look really tired,” I said, concerned.

Tyler brought a hand up to self-consciously smooth his hair down, which I now noticed was slightly messier than usual, though still gorgeous.

“I’m fine, just didn’t get much sleep last night,” he answered, smiling weakly. “Actually, I still have a bit of work to do. Do you mind if I finish up? You can like watch tv or nap or eat anything you want -”

He trailed off, looking a bit anxious. I had to admit, I was slightly disappointed since I had been waiting all morning and really all night to spend time with him, but I plastered a reassuring smile on my face.

“Of course! Don’t worry about me, I can entertain myself,” I said, grimacing a moment later as I realized what that sounded like in the context of what we had been doing the last few days.

When Tyler didn’t make a joke I realized just how distracted he really was. He smiled at me tiredly and shuffled over to the couch, picking up his lap top and placing it on his lap, immediately focused again. I sat down awkwardly on the other side of the couch and put my headphones in, listening to music and scrolling through tumblr on my phone. 

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