Chapter Nine: The First Time

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A/N: I am so nervous for this chapter because it feels so important. I think I'm going to just sort of fling this out into the universe and go hide behind something for the rest of the day. 

But before I do that, here's one last plug for Tyler's Prizeo campaign. Guys, we are SO close to not only a HALF A MILLION DOLLARS raised for the Trevor Project and countless lives saved because of Tyler and all his beautiful people, but also to AN ACTUAL TROYLER KISS. I mean, can you even IMAGINE?! So, while I know some of you can't donate or donate again (I totally get it) if you think you can possibly find a way to do it, donate, share the campaign on every social media website, and harrass your friends and family and aquaintences so that we can get there! I also just think that getting Tyler to $500 000 would be the best possible way to show him how much we love him and appreciate everything he brings to our lives every day.

The link is ! Anyway, thank you and love you all so much, here's the chapter you've all been patiently waiting for! *Runs and hides*

Oh and um, smut warning. Obvs.

- Troye’s POV -

When I woke up the next day I was a nervous, excited wreck. It didn’t help that I was waking up about three hours earlier than I had been for the past several days after a near sleepless night tossing and turning, flipping back and forth between lust and anxiety. I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face, and forced myself to get out of bed, dragging my feet all the way into the shower. I couldn’t believe I had to face a day of fairly important meetings when clearly my brain would be preoccupied with what had been planned for later tonight. On the other hand, I’d probably go completely crazy without the distraction.

As I got out of the shower, I noticed I had texts from both Stephen and Tyler. Seeing their names side by side on my lock screen made me feel uncomfortable for some reason. I had already noticed over the last few days that I didn’t really like talking about Stephen to Tyler . . . even though I wanted to talk about him incessantly to anyone else who would listen. I knew I wasn’t doing anything technically wrong. Stephen and I weren’t even dating yet and definitely weren’t exclusive and as for Tyler, well, he was perfectly fine being friends with benefits. More than fine, in fact, I thought and smirked to myself. It just felt like those parts of my life should be kept separate.

I hesitated for a moment before opening Stephen’s text first. I smiled widely at his message, wishing me luck for the day. So sweet of him to have remembered how stressed out these meetings make me. I opened Tyler’s message next and laughed out loud at his sassy good luck message. The end of the message said: 

By the way, don’t eat before you come over. I’ve been craving pizza for days. 

My stomach flipped and my smile faltered slightly at the reminder of tonight. Like I’d be able to fucking eat anything, nervous as I was. I shook my head and quickly responded to both texts, before making my way downstairs and getting a cab to my first meeting. 

It was going to be a long day.

- Tyler’s POV -

I was freaking out. Troye was supposed to be done with his last meeting in just under an hour. I had spent the entire day alternating between trying to distract myself on tumblr and twitter (which didn’t work since I was constantly bombarded by the troyler posts I usually loved) and pretty much just pacing the floor of my apartment.

I couldn’t wait and at the same time I was terrified. I was so close to getting everything I wanted . . . well, actually, not everything. I was getting Troye's body, but not his heart, and even that beautiful body was only mine for two weeks.

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