Chapter Four: The Kiss

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A/N: Heeeeey guys, how is everyone doing on this lovely Friday? I just want to thank you guys again for all your support and postitivity, it really makes my day reading your comments! Here is chapter four, I hope it lives up to your expectations! The very beginning backtracks a bit just to remind you of where we left off. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

- Troye's POV -


I jumped slightly even though his voice was soft.

“Yes?” I answered, swallowing hard, still unable to tear my eyes from him.

 He shifted slightly closer and my breath quickened. I think he noticed, because his smile became a little bit smug.

“Would it be ok if I kissed you?” He asked, still in that soft, sure tone.

His face was now inches from mine. I had lost all power to speak, so I just nodded, swallowing once again.

Tyler’s dimples deepened just slightly.

My breathing was shallow as I waited for his kiss. He reached out a hand to my jaw and, instead of kissing me, traced his thumb slowly across my bottom lip, causing a swooping sensation in my stomach and my eyes to flutter shut.

The second my eyes fell shut, Tyler’s thumb was replaced by his warm, soft lips.


My mind emptied and my body melted. Tyler’s lips fit perfectly against mine as he applied the exact amount of pressure to make me feel instantly heated. He kissed me softly at first, but there was an insistence underneath the gentleness . . . it felt like he was trying to contain himself, to hold himself back. 

I wasn’t having any of that.

I quickly pushed my lips against Tyler’s with more insistence, my hands reaching up to pull his face closer to mine, letting him know he could kiss me like I could feel he really wanted to. He hummed with surprised approval and the sound vibrated through our connected lips, seeming to jolt through my entire body. He immediately deepened the kiss, the hand on my jaw sliding to the back of my head and the other one coming up to grip my waist. He kissed me deeply, hotly, and with a passion that took my breath away. 

Far too soon, he pulled away, breathing heavily, and grinned at me. 

“Well,” he said in this deliciously husky voice I had never heard him use before. “Nothing we need to work on there.”

I pulled his face back to mine impatiently and moaned quietly as our open mouths reconnected. At the sound, something inside Tyler seemed to snap. His hand at the back of my head clenched in my hair and the fingers of his other hand dug into my side. I moaned again, louder this time, my hands fisting in Tyler’s hair and tugging lightly and this time Tyler actually growled. He pulled me as close to him as possible and ran his tongue across my bottom lip, hurriedly asking for entrance. I immediately opened my mouth further to let him in and he didn’t waste a single second, his tongue sweeping in to explore my mouth. This time it was Tyler’s turn to moan as my tongue met his in a teasing dance.

I could feel Tyler putting a slight pressure on my hip with his hand and realized he wanted me to lie down. I immediately lowered myself so I was lying down on the couch, desperate to keep our mouths attached as Tyler came to rest on top of me in a half push up position, his arms on either side of my head.

Everything started to get incredibly hazy and my body felt like it was on fire as our mouths moved against each other, only stopping to draw harsh, panting breaths. 

Suddenly, Tyler’s mouth ripped away from mine and a kind of pathetic whimper I had never heard myself make before tore from somewhere deep and primal inside me that wanted, no needed, his mouth back on mine. The whimper quickly transformed into a gasp when his mouth attached itself to my neck. I threw my head back and moaned as Tyler kissed sensuously down my neck. My breath faltered and my entire body tensed when he kissed back up and his lips brushed over an especially sensitive spot just beneath my jaw. He froze at my reaction and I could feel him smirk against the spot on my neck before he latched his lips to that spot, harder this time, sucking, kissing, and grinding his teeth lightly against it. I let out a ridiculously loud moan that would probably have embarrassed me if I had had the capacity to think. By this time, I was very aware that I was getting harder by the second. Tyler kissed back up my jaw, pausing for a moment to nibble my earlobe, and reattached his mouth to mine. I kissed him back with renewed vigor. Tyler rested a little bit more of his weight on me and suddenly I felt something hard pressing against my hip. I froze for a moment in surprise.

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