Chapter Twelve: The Hurt and Comfort

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A/N: I'm back! Sort of! I want to thank those of you who posted messages of patience and encouragement on my profile because it can be really stressful when you genuinely don't have time to update so it's nice to know that so many of you are so understanding! : ) So, because I made you guys wait so long this chapter is longer than usual! Since I still have two essays left, you will have to wait again for the next one, but again, I really appreciate your patience!

P.S. None of the tweets in this chapter are real, but they ARE based on similar ones I've seen. Yuck.

P.P.S. Yeah, um, this is a preeeetty smutty chapter. So smut warning.

Ok! Hope you enjoy!

- Tyler’s POV -

When I woke again the next day, the first thing I noticed was that my body was just as thoroughly entangled with Troye’s as it had been the morning before, despite the positions we were in when we fell asleep. We had somehow managed to find each other again in the night and though we had stayed in our original positions for the most part, facing each other on our sides, Troye’s arms had snaked their way around my waist and his head was resting in the nook between my neck and collarbone, my jaw pressed against his forehead. My arms were flung around Troye’s shoulders, holding him tightly against me, though my grip had relaxed slightly since I had woken up, surprised to once again find myself in a position I didn’t remember getting into.

Distance my ass.

Troye was still fast asleep and I was inexplicably exhausted too so I gathered him closer to me and let myself drift back to sleep.

When I woke again, my arms were empty. I was momentarily confused for an entirely different reason than I had been this morning. Where was Troye? Had he left?

After I had woken up a bit more and adjusted to my surroundings, I realized that I could hear the tap running in my bathroom. I relaxed back into my pillow, rolling onto my back and throwing my arms over my eyes to block out the sun. I heard the tap stop running and the sounds of a few cupboard doors opening and closing. When I heard the door to the bathroom creak open, I withdrew my arm from my face and turned my head. My breath caught in my throat and I felt my cheeks get hot. Troye had wandered back into the room, rubbing his eyes and wearing a pair of my sweatpants and no shirt. The sweatpants were slightly too big for him, hanging low on his hips and threatening to slip even lower when he took a step towards me. My eyes traced the trail of hair that dipped beneath the waistband, the prominent V of his hips, then quickly flicked up over his chest to his face, to his eyes still heavy with sleep and his tussled hair. I swallowed. Did he even know how delicious he looked right now?

Troye finally noticed that I was awake and shot me a smile, though he still looked half asleep and a bit grumpy to be awake at all.

“I stole your sweatpants,” he said obviously, walking back towards the bed.

“I can see that,” I croaked, cursing how unsteady my voice sounded as he crawled back into bed. I smiled as he burrowed deep into the covers and my pillow and he smiled back at me.

“Thanks for letting me stay last night,” he said softly. “I don’t know why I was that exhausted.”

“I can think of a few reasons,” I teased lamely, barely thinking about the words before they left my mouth.

Troye only blushed the tiniest bit and smiled, biting his lip. He looked at me as if considering something for a moment, then scooted over the short distance towards me and kissed me. My heart did a summersault as I kissed him back softly, letting him control the kiss. This kiss, unlike any of our other ones, wasn’t passionate and lust filled, it was just sweet and lazy and . . .  perfect. He tasted like toothpaste.

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