Chapter Seventeen

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'You're insane, you've actually cracked, you- Jesus Christ, slow down!' Yuri gabbled, gripping at his seat. Otabek was driving to Jude's house, his foot practically touching the floor and his hands gripping the wheel so tight it looked as if he was about to wrench it off. His expression had clouded over and his eyes had darkened beyond belief. 'You can't just say you're going to kill someone and drag me along with you! That's- that's joint enterprise murder!'
'You didn't have to come.'
'If I just let you go I'd be complicit. I'd be, like... Aiding and abetting.'
'I'll say I took you hostage.'
'How romantic. Seriously, slow down or the only person you'll be killing is me!'
With a great display of reluctance, Otabek eased up his foot by about half an inch. Now they were only going about twice the speed limit- not that it mattered much, because about a minute later he exacted a death-defying turn into a housing estate and Yuri sat in the car and watched him as he marched up to a door. He couldn't face going with him, even though he knew somebody was probably going to die given the look on Otabek's face. He sat in the car with his house key gripped in his hand, as if it would be any use in a fight. His other hand he kept firmly on the car keys so he could ensure it was locked should Jude run out armed with a knife or something. He knew he was overreacting but his fear was hardly unwarranted and after the events of the day his nerves were understandably on the jittery side. Not to mention he was afraid that Otabek would follow through on his threats and actually do something really stupid on his behalf. He couldn't very well say no because he was too shaken up, but he hadn't meant for any of this to happen. After a few pensive minutes the door opened and Yuri watched as Otabek practically dragged Jude by the ear down to the car. He wrenched open the car door and motioned for Yuri to get out.
'I'm staying here,' His voice came out as a pathetic squeak. He couldn't face Jude, not after what he'd done. Just seeing his face for that half second had brought unwelcome memories flooding back from earlier.
'Get out the car, Yuri,' Otabek sighed, gesturing again, and this time Yuri did as he was told.
'I think this boy has something to say to you,' Otabek gripped Jude tightly by the collar of his shirt, a muscle jumping in his jaw as he spoke.
'I'm sorry,' Jude blurted out, his eyes not conveying any apologies but his body language suggesting he was very sorry to be in this situation now. 'Now will you let go of me? Seriously, get your hands off of me before I call the police! It's not my fault your boyfriend is a freak, is it?'
He spat the word 'boyfriend' with obvious contempt and Otabek, who had been on hisbest behaviour up until now given the situation, finally snapped. He slammed Jude into the car and leaned in close, pressing a hand against his throat as he writhed beneath him, not used to being the one pinned down.
'Don't you ever fucking talk like that again,' He growled, and Yuri was scared himself even though the anger wasn't directed towards him.
'Otabek, stop,' He stepped forwards to intervene but it was clear he wasn't done.
'If you so much as lay a finger on him again I will broadcast your name to the entire world. The only reason I'm not killing you now is because I don't think Yuri would be very happy about it, and this is a lot more than a human shitstain like you deserves,' Otabek shoved him hard again then let him go. 'Now fuck off.'
Jude gulped and stumbled away back home, his hands rubbing at his neck and his eyes wide. Otabek stared after him with a petulant fury in his eyes, his entire body trembling with barely contained anger. Yuri put a hand on his shoulder, not speaking just yet.
'You were terrifying just now, you know that, right?' He finally said.
'You have to understand that you can't spend your life being afraid of assholes like him. That's something you have to fight against, not run away from.'
'Easy for you to say. You're not the one being beaten up.'
'I know, I know. Point it, if you let them change you then they've won, you get me?'
'Please don't give me that shit. It's not as if 'they' are some abstract concept. 'They' are real people who can and will hurt me.'
'I know that's scary! God, do I know. The problem is if people like him start to think that they can get away with assaulting people and that it works they'll keep doing it.'
'Okay,' Yuri conceded with a heavy sigh. 'I just got scared- am I allowed to get scared?'
'Yes! Yes, of course,' Otabek wrapped him up in a bear hug, kissing the top of his head and rocking him from side to side. 'I'm not trying to gloss over what happened to you, I just don't want you to cause yourself any more pain than he did.'
'I don't really want to break up,' Yuri muttered, wishing he had just kept his stupid mouth shut about the whole affair.
'That's good, then. Had to admit, I was scared for a while.'
'Now you've got your attempted murder out of the way, can you take me home?'

Learning To Count(Otabek x Yuri) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now