Chaper 11

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The next week is uneventful.  No monster attacks, no new from the seven, no more visits from ghost Leo and no more dreams. Octavian stays and continues to annoy me.  He won't stop finding me and trying to throw insults at me all week and it is really starting to tick me off.  You'd think he had learbr his lesson after I beat him up three times already this week, but that just seems to egg him on.

"Hey  fish kid." I hear Octavian say from behind me.  I sit on the beach looking out at Long Island Sound.  

I look up at the sky.  "Oh my gods, you really don't give up, do you?"  I scoff. 

I hear Octavian snarl behind me.  The tingling in my head appears again and I dodge the blade if his kinfe without even looking back.  I grab his arm and flip him over my shoulder, staying sitting down. He slams back first into the sand and wheezes.  "That hurt." 

I nod.  "Yep.  It did." 

He stays laying on the sand in front of me.  "How do you know when I'm about to attack you?" He asks. 

"Why should I tell you that?" I ask rolling my eyes.  "Well because-" He sarts to ramble. 

I look out onto the water, zoning out.  "Hey, are ypu listening?" Octavian tugs on my pant leg.  I grab hus wrist and press down on the pressure point there as hard as I can.

"Don't touch me."  I say before releasing his hand.  "Jeez Louise woman.  Sorry."  He says sarcastically.  Something about the sea seems uneasy.  I stand up and take a few steps towards it.  The water laps up against the toes of my boots and I feel it.  

I turn back towards the camp.  "Connor!" I yell.

Connor pops his head out from behind a rock.  "Get some reinforcements here, and hurry!"

"Ok!" Connor yells before running back towards camp. 

I look back at the sea.  "What is it?"  Octavian's voice is right at my ear.  I instinctively drive the back of my fist into his face. 

"To close."  I say. 

"Ya, sorry." Octavian says through his hands. 

I see the surface of the water bubble a hundred yards away and then see and actual bubble surfacing.  And why I say bubble, I mean huge bubble.  Then I see them, all seven plus two more and one seems to be a statue.  Percy looks exhausted as he holds the bubble together all the while supporting the statue.  Everyone else execpt one, most likely Hecate because I have never seen her before, seem to be either passed out or holding someone who is passed out. 

"Oh my gods." I say under my breath before running into the water.  I stop once it's halfway up my things and thats when I see Percy's arms shaking.  I will all of the currents to obey me and then bring my arms in towards me like I was giving someone a hug. 

Percy's bubble rushes to the shore, and once he is ablento touch the sand, he lets the bubble burst.  I run back towards shore.  "Percy!" He turns just on time form me to hug him.  I knock him over and we fall onto the sand.  "Oh my gods!  Are you ok?" I push myself up and see Percy's green eyes looking more exhausted than I had ever seen them.  Just then, the entire camp comes running onto the beach, holding their weapons.

As soon as they see the seven and their plus two, they stop.  Chiron steps forward.  "Apollo cabin!  Bring them all to the infirmary.  All except for Lord Terminus and Hecate."

The Apollo kids rush forwards.  One pulls Percy up and helps him walk towards the infirmary.  I see one hoisting Leo's limp body up. 

"Leo!" My voice cracks as I stumble forwards.  I sling Leo's other arm around my neck and help the Apollo kid bring him to the infirmary.  "Leo, Leo you've got to hold on ok?  We're almost there.  Stay here." I whisper.  I try my best to hold back my tears.

We put him in one of the cots in the infirmary.  The Apollo kid gets to work imediatly.  "Broken leg, broken arm," He lifts up Leo's shirt and there is a huge gash going across his chest.  "That, superficial wounds to the face and body.  This should be easy."  The Apollo kid murmmered to himself.  He braces Leo's arm and leg and drips nectar down his throat.  He pours some nectar on Leo's gash and it bubblesna little bit as it cleans put the wound.  Since the gash is deep, the Apollo kid puts stitches in.  I wince everytime the needle pierces Leo's skin.  When he is done with rhe stitches,  he moves on to the cuts on Leo's face.  Luckily they don't look very deep.  He simoly cleans them out with disinfectant. 

"I'll give him some more nectar later."  The Apollo kid says before rushing away to help the others.  I don't even know the kid's name but I tell myself I will thank him later.

I grip Leo's hand, the hand of which the arm isn't broken of course.  I lace my fingers through his and rest my forehead on the cot bedside him.  Nico bursts through the infirmary doors.  "You're ok!" He says locating Percy with his eyes. 

Percy grimmaces as an Apollo kid pours nectar onto his slashed arm.  "You could say that."  He says through gritted teeth.

I turn back to Leo who is still unmoving.  I lay my forehead back on the cot and let the top of my head press against his ribs.  "You've got to wake up Leo." I whisper.

The sounds around the infirmary blur into one as I let my eyes close.  Before I know it, I am asleep.

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