Chapter 4

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Until the time she reached her home, Saira was totally exhausted. She got inside quickly to find her mom waiting for her in the dining room. She seemed worried.

"Oh finally here you are!! I was so worried! why weren't you taking my calls?" asked her mom as soon as she saw her.

"Pff mom long story... will narrate it to tomorrow. I m too tired to talk right now. Going to sleep and dnt worry I am absolutely fine." She said while greeting her.

"Wait...have something atleast! You haven't eaten anything since morning. The dinner is ready come fast" insisted her mom.

"No mom, I've already had the dinner with my friends. Gud nyt!" replied Saira hurrying towards her room before her mom could insist further.

Throwing all her bags on the floor, she jumped into her bed. Taking out her mobile she checked for any messages. 15 missed calls from William, her boyfriend.

"Oh Shit! Wills must be worried! I ve got to call him ryt now." she exclaimed, quickly calling him back.

As soon as tghe first bell rang, William picked it up. "How desperate!" Saira giggled.

"Hey Sarii... Where the hell ve you been? I ve been calling you since morning. Why can't you just take my calls at once? And I came to know you went on an adventure and they left you alone in a cementary!!" said William literally yelling at her.

"Hahaha..Oh Wills just calm down babyy! I vent died yet." said Saira teasing him. William really loved her a lot. Even a small issue like Saira not attending his calls was a real problem for him. Saira used to love him for that. The love and care she received from William was beyond comparison.

"Oh shut up Sari!! Its not funny! Now tell me what damn thing happened to you." he still sounded angry.

"Well I think you already know wht happened... Angi must have told you everything ryt? How predictable she is!" said Saira. William was Angi's elder brother which is why William always came to know everything before she could even mention it to him.

"Yaa but she told me you passed out. Is it true?" he sounded worried.

"Ohh yup. Actually i was too thirsty and tired. And apart from that I think I saw... umm well leave it! I am fine now.. you dnt need to worry !" Saira wasn't sure whether to tell William about Charley or not.

He wont believe me either. N why would he when I myself am not sure whether it was just a dream or Charley's ghost did come to see me!!

"What did u see? Just tell me everything and dnt lie!" William insisted, keen to know everything.

"Well I dont think you'd believe me if I told u that I saw Charley there." muttered Saira.

"What?? You mean Charley, your old friend who died long ago? Are you kidding Sari? Is this some kind of a joke?" William couldn't stop asking questions.

"Oh Wills calm down! I m serious. I saw him.. noo his ghost.. no it cant be his ghost as he had grown up like me. But it cant be him! I mean how can it be? I think I was just imagining things or maybe it was just a dream.."

"Shh shh..Sarii. ok let it be! I think you are too tired. Now stop making up silly stories. Just lie down n go to sleep sweetheart!" he said giving her a gudnyt kiss on the phone.

'Bt Wills.. I m not making up any story. I knew you wont believe me, I just knew it. Damm!" She said angrily.

"Ok ok I believe you baby. But right now you just dont bother about all this. We ll talk about this tomorrow ok?" William knew her very well. She was too stubborn. So he decided to give up.

"Whatever! Gud nyt Wills..See u in the college tomorrow!"

"No I ll come to pick you up. We ll go together. I have some good news for you. Gud nyt Sari. Love u baby..!"


Till here my 4rth chapter. Hope you like it guys. And as always plzz dnt hesitate to vote n follow.. xDD Will be updating soon..

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