Chapter 7

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"Are you sure you've taken everything? Let me check your bag." insisted Saira grabbing William's bag from the bed to look inside.

"Hahahaha Sarii, you've already checked it before. Dont worry, mom helped with the packing. Now come here and sit with me for a while. I'll be leaving soon.." William said pulling her towards him.

"Yeahh.. But why do you have to go? You know we have maths exam on monday and on tuesday we are going on a school trip. You are supposed to be there. I was so excited about it. Now it would be no fun without you! "

Saira didn't want William to go to Boston. She was still trying to find excuses to stop him from going.

"Sarii... I've already spoken to Miss James about my maths exam and school trip is not more important than my admittion in Hotel Management course in Boston University."

"You and your silly course.." said Saira angrily making William laugh.

"Ohh come on its just a matter of a week.."

"Yaa yaa I know! By the way what time is it?"

"Half past eight. Why?"

"Oh shit! I've got to go. Mom must be waiting for me. I had to help her with the dinner tonight.. uhmm.. its too dark outside and I'm a bit scared. Can you drop me home?"

"You and scared? Are you ok? hahaha ..I dont remember you being scared of anything. Infact many times you haven't allowed me to come with you when you had to return home at late hours." said William feeling strange. Saira was a brave girl. It was not likely of her to ask someone to drop her home. And she was never afraid of darkness before.

Parking his bike in front of Saira's house William stood up facing Saira. These thoughts were still disturbing him so he decided to talk to her before he leaves.

"Is anything wrong dear? You've been acting strange these days. Its like you are afraid of something. Is anything troubling my baby?" said William hugging her tightly.

Saira sighed. She was already expecting this question but she wasn't sure herself what was troubling her. Was it just because William was going for a whole week and she was going to miss him or was it because of Charley? She still hadn't told anyone about her last night's dream although she desperately needed to talk to someone about it. Finally she decided to tell him about it.

"Ummm... well actually there are some strange things happening with me these days..  but I dont know whats wrong.. actually its quite wierd and it makes no sense.. so you won't believe me..."

"Shhhh Sarii.. just  tell me what's it."

"Well you remember the day I went on that adventure trip and I was left in a cementary and I told you I saw my childhood friend Charley there...?"

"Ohh yeahh I remember and I told you not to worry about that. How can it be him when he's dead?"

"Yaa I know and I just stopped thinking about it but last night I saw him in my dream and he was saying that he has come back for me.. to take me with him... i was so scared. It seemed so real."

William couldn't help laughing at this. "You mean you saw him in your dream and you really believe he is going to come for you? I mean "his ghost"! You must be crazy hahahaha.."

"You know what?Jjust go to hell ! I am so scared and you think its funny? I am such a fool to expect you to believe me!... Really!! Just go...." Saira started moving towards her house stamping her feet angrily.

Seeing how angry she was William stopped laughing and ran towards her blocking her way. 

"Ok..ok I'm sorry. Its just so senseless. How can you be so stupid to believe in all this? It was just a dream my dear. And I know ever since you are back from that trip, you keep thinking about that incident and Charley all the time and that's the reason you dreamt about him." said William putting his arms on her shouldher to console her.

"Hmm yaa may be.." said Saira pondering over his scientific explanation. "But i dont know. Since then I've been feeling so uncomfortable. I just can't take it out of my mind."

William's mobile rang suddenly interfering their discussion. He picked it up. It was his dad on the other side asking him to get back soon as they had to leave for the airport.

"Sari.. its dad.. I must be leaving now. Its time to say goodbye.. You just stop worrying about al this. No Charley can take my Sari away from me. I'll call you as soon as I reach Boston. And dont worry I'll be back a week before your birthday. We'll be celebrating it together. I promise you it would be your best birthday ever!" said William.

They gave each other a goodbye kiss and William hurriedly got back to his bike. Saira watched him disappearing around the corner. How lucky she was to have him. She knew how much he loved her and will always protect her. All the negative thoughts disappeared as soon as she remembered his words.. "I promise it'd be your best birthday ever". A smile crossed her lips and she started moving towards her house thinking about William's plans for her birthday, which was just two weeks away.


Till here the 7th chapter. Howz it guys? Do you agree with William? Is Saira just overreacting?  Keep voting and dont forget to leave your suggestions ;)

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