Chapter 5

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Saira was sitting on the bench in the nearby park waiting for William. Since it was just about dinnertime, the park was nearly deserted, except for few little kids on the swings on the other end. She watched two little boys on their bikes going round and round the playground, laughing loudly and shouting silly names at each other.

William was taking too long although he lived hardly a km away from her house. They had planned to go on a walk. She tried to call him but it was not reachable. No sign of him!

"Uff This boy takes longer than me to get ready. He should be a girl!" Saira sighed. "I'd rather go and look what's taking him so long."

She got up and started walking down the road towards William's house. She walked past familiar houses humming the new Shakira's song "I can't remember to forget you... oh oohhoo ohh.."It was quite dark and creepy.

It's me or it's the street abandoned? Usually there are some people on the street at this time!

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice and bumped into something. She started fallimg when two strong arms caught her in mid air. She looked up and her eyes met two familiar looking eyes staring at her.

It dIdn't take her long to realize it was no one else but Charley.

Using his free hand he caressed her face with his fingers. Shocked and frightened she backed away. He was grinning at her. With his dark brown eyes he examined her from top to bottom. Saira was so shocked, not a single word came out of her mouth.

"What's wrong Saira? Are you scared of me?" he asked stepping closer. Saira couldn't help but freeze at the sound of his voice. She wanted to run, get away from him but something held her at her place. She saw his face twist into a grimace.

"I've come to take you with me Saira. I've come so far only for you..."

"Charley...?? But... but you are dead!" finally she managed to speak.

And he laughed at this. A booming evil laugh. And he stepped even closer and outshretched his arms to touch her.

"Nooooo..." Saira screamed!


How nice to was find out it was only a dream. Saira sat up, her heart pounding loudly and her mouth dry.

"Ohh, Thank God! It was only a dream... A dream so real and scary!" she muttered.

She took the glass of water from her bedside table and drank quickly. Sinking back on her pillow, she waited for her heartbeat to get normal.

She raised her brown eyes to the front wall and saw her childhood picture with Charley. Charley was her neighbour as well as family friend. They both went to the same school and spent most of the time together. They loved each other's company so much that they hardly made any other friends in school. Slowly they pushed away every single person that could possibly have been their friend until they had only each other. They didn't need anyone else. That was the reason Saira felt so lonely after he died. She missed the times they spent together, just the two of them. Schools were terrible without him. No friends, no one to talk, no one actually cared enough. Her life was so depressing wihout him.

She was too small to understand what death meant and she was told that Charley had gone forever and nobody told her where. She couldn't understand anything. Every morning she woke up with a heavy heart, like something important was missing from her life. Her best friend was gone.. her only friend! It was silly of her to rely so much only on one person. It was all coming back on her now.

It was not until she was mature enough to understand these things did her mom tell her that his family met a car accident while returning from a relative's party. Though the accident was not so severe, the door at Charley's side broke and he fell into a valley. They tried to find him for many days but at last declared him dead. Charley's family moved away soon after the incident as the place reminded them of their only son all the time.

Saira sighed. Memories of this incident always brought tears in her eyes. She felt so sad and gloomy. She had always missed Charley but never had she seen him in her dreams before, talking to her, scaring her.

"Ohh Stop it Charley..! I miss you too but no need to show up in my dreams like this and scare me!" She said angrily looking above, hoping that he would listen to her.

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