Hello mysterious person

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(Y/N) and her twin Jaden were a new students in school, starting today. Her father had gotten a new job after divorcing their mother, and they decided to move to France since they had relatives living in those corners.

(Y/n) and Jaden were walking to school, looking around as she walked. Not really looking ahead, nor following the conversation Jaden was trying to hold with her.
Her head in the clouds, about what she'd say to her classmates as introductions.
She couldn't make herself sound stupid , nor either to cool. They'd think she's crazy either way, so....
As you kept thinking, you heard a voice call out to you "(y/n) careful!"
It was Jaden, and without knowing it, a figure bumped into you, right after he fell silent.
"O..oh I'm sorry..." (Y/n) looked up to make eye contact with a bluebell eyes girl, hair dark, in pigtails.
"It's okay! I'm fine" (y/n) stood up and smirked, brushing up and taking her hand to help the fallen girl up. Jaden looked at the mysterious girl and looked worried.
"Are you alright? You seem to have made a hard fall" he looked at her, tilting his head slightly to the left. Her blue eyes stayed fixed on his (h/e/c), as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
"N..no, I mean yah! But you know, I'm fine!" she smiled childishly, rubbing the back of her head as well, looking away from him, and at ( Y/N) again "Anyways! I need to go, I'll be late for school! Oh and hi, I'm Marinette, so...see you guys around!" she smiled brightly, running off. Keeping her little purse around her, closer to her frightened as she ran.
"What a nice girl" Jaden smiled softly
, " you could be friends with her..."
"Yah..." you said simple, chuckling softly.


Jaden wasn't in the same class as you for your first period. Which made you more nervous, because you needed his support right now.
You took a deep breath, maybe a bit to deeply, entering the classroom quietly, and looking around. A couple students were already sitting down, considering the bell had just rang.
You looked towards the seats and found that girl from earlier you had bumped into, sitting beside was nobody. So you decided to take your courage and go up to her.
"Hi," you smiled your brightest smile, and she looked up from her sketchbook, making eye contact with you. Her eyes widened and smiled not long after
"Oh hi! You're that girl, from before" she exclaimed and you nodded simply, looking beside her,
"So uh...is anyone sitting beside you Marinette?"you fiddled your thumbs shyly, looking at her with hope.
"Actually yes...but she's sick today. So if you want, you can sit beside me while she's gone" she smiled cheekily, looking at you with her bluebell eyes.
"Thank you! Sorry to disturb you..."you mumbled the rest and sat beside her. Looking slightly over shoulder, checking out the art she made.
"Oh wow! You're an amazing artist!" You grinned brightly and she looked at you. A smile plastered in her lips.
"Thanks! Oh, sorry. I still don't know your name..." she tilted her head, and you smiled sheepishly.
"Oh, well my name is (y/n) and the boy with me, was my twin brother Jaden" (y/n) rubbed the back of her head and laughed slightly. Marinette blushing ever so slightly at the sound of your twin,
"Well, (y/n) let's be friends from now on!" She grinned childishly and took her hand out to shake yours. You took it happily and then the last bell rang. Meaning it was the start of the first period, the teacher walking in with a wide smile.
"Good morning! Will be starting our classes then,.."

Adrien's pov

"Im so late," Adrien panicked as he looked around, putting his clothes on. Struggling as he tugged on his jeans, and placing on his shirt.
Plagg looked at him with a camembert in his little paws.
"Not my issue that you slept in. Your responsibility" he finished his Camembert, looking at him with a toothy grin,
"Exactly, and that's why I'll need your help to get there quickly" Adrien said quickly,
"What do You mean?" Plagg looked at him confused, as Adrien smirked.
"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien looked at plagg and the little cat pouted

Time skip

Adrien deformed and ran as fast as he could to his class. Grabbing his bag closely as he huffed and ran through the door of his class.
"Good morning! Will be starting class then..." the teacher looked at Adrien as he entered.
"Late?" And he nodded softly, looking down and then up to his seat, Nino laughing at him and shaking his head.
"Anyways Mr.Agreste, sit down, we're starting class" she waved at him and he walked to his seat, making eye contact with a pair of bluebell eyes and then a pair of (e/c) eyes. He almost froze, looking into the girls eyes. He gulped and looked away soon after, sitting down at his seat. Feeling shivers from the eye contact, and that sweet smile she was holding upon her plump lips.

Adrien tapped his foot nervously, just to turn back around, and look at her carefully again. Nino raised an eyebrow at him and pat his back.
"Dude, you good? Got any sleep or something?" Adrien looked at him and smiled,
"Yah im fine Nino. No need to worry"

Your pov

(Y/n) heart skipped a beat, as your eyes came in contact with emerald green eyes. You smiled at the blondie and looked quickly away after. Looking at the teacher,
"Anyways, today we have a new student from....where again?" She looked at you, making you wish you could shrink in your seat, as everyone turned to look at you as well. Even the blondie, landed his eyes on you.
"I..im from (preferred/town).."
"Oh! That's quite far away" the teacher smiled and nodded."must of taken time to get here"
You nodded in agreement, fiddling your fingers as you looked at the blondie. He was tapping his foot on the ground and looking at you from the corner of his eye, smiling softly.
"Okay! Well, tell the class your name then" the teacher interrupted you and you looked up at her.
"(Y...y/n) (l/n)"  the teacher nodded and smiled
"Well then! Enjoy your stay while you're here" you smiled warmly and nodded, looking at Marinette who was giving you a thumbs up.

After school

You shivered, looking around as rain poured from all around. This sucks, Jaden had left with the new friends he'd made today and left you alone...great.
You mentally sighed, and held your backpack close to you, in hope the rain will stop soon.
Then you felt a figure beside you.
"Don't you find today is a nice day?"
You looked beside you and there he was. That blondie In your classes.
"O..oh yah" you smiled warmly and he looked at you. His green orbs shining, before giving a concerned look.
"You don't have an umbrella?"
You shook your head and sighed.
"No, I don't...Don't worry though! I'll wait for the rain to go down a notch" you grinned and kicked the pavement. Looking down and then back to his eyes.
"Well, my driver is gonna be here soon. So...you can have my umbrella" he quickly passed you his umbrella and you smiled. Your hands slightly touching.
"Thank you, I appreciate it" your eyes shone brightly, the sun slightly coming out, shining on upon your hair. He froze in front of you and he nodded,
"N..no problem!" He smiled and you giggled, heading down the steps of the school.
"Well, I'll see you later then...?"
"Adrien!...my name is Adrien.." you looked at him and smiled brightly.
"Well then Adrien, I'll see you around" you ran off and giggled, leaving behind an embarrassed Adrien.
"Yah see you around (y/n).." he whispered, even though you were to far away.
"Oh! I see someone's in love~" Plagg took his head out Adriens bag and smirked.
"Quiet now. Let's go home" Adrien smiled to himself and transformed, heading home quickly,


My kitty In a tight suite/chatnoir x reader (smutttt~) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now