Imagine making a Demon Deal to save Dean

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(Y/n) means your name... Warning: Slight feels...

Dean and Sam were on there way home from a case in Arizona, and Sam had called you five minutes earlier, panicked-

"Y/n! We were attacked by a werewolf, Dean's losing a lot of blood. I'm coming back, but be ready. He doesn't have a lot of time."

After you heard that, the gears in your brain started turning, and just like the older Winchester brother, once you decided on something, you couldn't be persuaded otherwise.

Before no time, you'd summoned a demon. A deal needed to be made. For Dean's life.

Crowley appeared in the dungeon where you'd done the spell and he smiled smugly at you.

"Ah, well if it isn't the youngest, newest, freshest faced Winchester." He spoke smoothly, "Y/n darling how can I help you?"

You glared at him. "You already know why I called Crowley, so cut the crap."

The demon's eyebrows raised, "Ah yes, you think you can barter your life to save Squirrel's." He grins, "I'd love to make a deal with you, unfortunately if you sold your soul to me, those brothers of yours would hunt me down and gut me."

I shook my head, "They won't. They'll know why I did this. Besides, you can use my soul as insurance so they don't come after you." You say to Crowley.

He turns his head, pauses then says,

"State your terms."

"Dean lives. His injuries go away, and no you can't transfer them to somebody else, they actually have to disappear." You clarify.

Crowley smirks.

"Anything else? Your soul is worth quite a lot to me. Is there something you want as well as Dean's life?"

You pause.

"I want them to be happy." You say.

Crowley shakes his head, "That's beyond my power. I can barely guarantee my own happiness Y/n..."

You frown.

Your heart skips a beat as you realize what you must do.

"I want them to forget me. Dean and Sam. I never existed in their lives. Then...they won't miss me. They won't have to lose anyone else." You say.

Crowley doesn't bat and eye.


You take a shaky breath. "Deal."


Dean turns to his brother, "Why in God's name did I let you drive?"

Sam smiles, "No idea, maybe you needed some sleep, you look exhausted."

Dean runs a hand over his face and sighs, "Maybe."

Sam looks out over the open highway as Dean flips the radio on. Carry On My Wayward Son starts playing and both Dean and Sam let it. They don't know why, neither of them liked the song.

They both sat in silence, each feeling something missing that they couldn't quite place.

Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more

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