My Angel Chapters 5 & 6

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Chapter 5: Babe

Sam carried me up the stairs and I knocked on the door, cursing under my breath. I hated the idea of Cas seeing me like this....

When he opened the door, he gasped and helped me in.

I winced when his hand brushed over the knife would in my side.

"Do you have any alcohol?" Sam said.

Cas frowned, "This is a college dorm of course I do; under the sink." he said, eyes not leaving me.

I smiled, "Hey Cas, sorry about this." I nodded weakly at the blood that had gotten on his shirt and hands.

"Bullshit Dean, here..." he said, helping me tug my shirt off.

The bruise where the ghosty girl had thrown me against Baby hurt much less than the knife still sticking out of my right side.

Cas stared at it, and I felt his hand trace delicately over my anti-possession tattoo.

"Dean-" Cas started, but suddenly Sam was bent down next to me, pushed Cas aside and opening a bottle of whiskey.

"Hey, don't touch him-" I said as Sam pushed Cas away.

Sam didn't hear me but Cas' eyes found mine just before the pain of five inches of metal being pulled from my body crashed over me.

"SONOFABITCH!" I shouted.

I felt Sam's hand holding a towel on it at the same time as Cas' hand on my face, when Sam went to push him away again, Cas shot him a look and he backed off.

I smiled, that's my boy...

"We need to take him to the hospital." Cas said and I laughed.

"We can't." Sam said, "We'd get recognized, or worse."

Cas frowned, "Fine, at least let me help-"

Sam shook his head, "You can't help, go away for a few hours."

I started to say something but Cas interrupted me, "Like hell I will."

Sam glanced at me and sighed, "Shit, fine, here hold this while I go get something from the car."

Cas nodded and replaced Sam's hand with his on the towel.

"Press harder." I said and Cas frowned.

"I don't want to hurt you."

I smiled but it probably looked like a grimace, "You won't."

Cas pressed harder and I bit my lip.

"What are you getting?" Cas asked Sam.

Sam opened the door and before he left, muttered back at us, "Sewing kit."

I shivered and sank back into the bed.

"What the hell happened?" Cas said.

"Ghost got me."

"Dean, I-" he started.

I laughed but it hurt, "I'll be fine.... Wishing you took me up on that last night on Earth offer?" I smiled.

Cas laughed, "Dick."

I smiled, "No doubt."

I blink my eyes back open and Cas was staring at me.

He bit his lip and my heart skipped a beat.

"Before Sam comes back-" Cas breached, leaning down to brush his lips across mine softly. I tried to kiss him back but he pulled away quickly.

He smiled, "Later."

Through the pain, my mind and body were on fire...

When Sam came back and put the needle in my skin for the first time tonight, I'm pretty sure Cas cried more than I did.

Chapter 6: Clueless

Dean was asleep now, and Sam was sitting at the table on his computer, completely silent.

I was on my bed, staring across the room at Dean's even breathing and the sweat on his bare skin.

I didn't know why, but it physically hurt me when Dean was in pain.

I didn't fall asleep that night, I couldn't.

I just listened to Sam's fingers on the keyboard and Dean's exhales and inhales, for hours.

I didn't know how long it had been, but Sam had fallen asleep on the table over his laptop, and Dean was gasping in his sleep.

I rolled out of bed and went to sit on his, leaning over him and in the darkness, seeing the blood-soaked bandage.

I frowned and put a hand on his cheek gently. Dean blinked awake and he bit his lip.

"What were you dreaming about Dean?" I said.

He blinked again, "Sin." he breathed, tracing his hand down my leg.

I blushed. "Sam's sleeping." I muttered.

Dean cursed and I smiled.

"As soon as I'm 100% again," Dean said tiredly, "You're mine."

I smiled, "I don't think you're going to remember this tomorrow, you drank a lot of that whiskey."

Dean made a sound like a groan, "It hurts." he says, closing his eyes and leaning into me.

I frowned, "Dean your hand is still on my thigh."

Dean smiled into his pillow, eyes still closed, "It was an accident..."

I smile, "Dean your hand is still there."

Dean grinned, "It's still an accident."

I laugh, "Okay, goodnight Dean."

Dean sighed, "Night, Angel." he says, and then he falls back  asleep.

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