Imagine Helping Sam & Dean After A Hunt

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(Can't believe I haven't done this one yet... Y/n= your name, and the character you are is involved with Dean btw) <3

Imagine Helping Sam & Dean After A Hunt

There was a sort of, I don't know, weird tapping sound. I was half dreaming so my brain thought it lasted forever. That the sound was never-ending. Then a wash of light came over me as the door to my room swung slowly open and I sat straight up in bed, grabbing the knife from under my pillow and feeling my heart leap into my throat-

"Calm down," Sam said, his silhouette dark in the doorway. "It's just me."

"You scared me." I frowned, climbing out of bed. "Why are you guys back so soon?"

"Come on, Y/n werewolves are easy." I heard Dean mumble from somewhere behind Sam in the hallway.

I frowned, going to flip the light switch on. "So why-"

As soon as the lights came on, my stomach rolled. That's why they were back.

Sam was clutching his right arm to his chest, blood all over his clothes and face. I saw Dean behind him leaning against the wall and I put a hand over my mouth. Busted lip, clearly dislocated shoulder, and I saw him favoring his left foot. Seeing Dean, made my heart hurt more. Our 'connection' or whatever that angel had called it...

"You guys are such stupid idiots!" I screamed, punching Sam on his good shoulder. He didn't even flinch.

"Like I said," Dean added. "Werewolves are easy. Not so much when they have vampire buddies staged behind the scenes, waiting to tear us a new one."

I was immediately awake.

Sighing, I grabbed Sam by the arm and set him down on the chair in the corner of my room. Then Dean tried to hobble into my room too, when I offered him a hand and he shrugged me off, I gave him that look that scares the shit out of them both, and he relented.

"Lay down on the bed," I told Dean, hurrying over to the bathroom and getting a few towels wet and the emergency, not so emergency because this happened all the time, medical kit.

Sam sat up a little, "I can do that-" he started, wincing.

"Sit down and shut up."

Dean chuckled weakly and Sam frowned.

These idiots constantly needed new clothes. Especially shirts. Cutting the sleeve off around Sam's wound I sucked in a breath. Claw marks, three of them, and deep.

"I can do this myself Y/n," Sam said. "Dean's more hurt."

"Shut up," Dean whined. "I'm perfect."

"Both of you are grounded permanently," I said, taking one of the wet towels and gently trying to clean Sam's arm of the blood. He barely reacted to the pain. They were used to it by now, all these hunts, all these battle scars.

"Hold that there," I said, jumping up and going to sit on the bed next to Dean.

"Yes ma'am," Sam smirked.

Dean was worse off. "Lemme guess? You're perfect?" I rolled my eyes at him.

We were all used to me patching them up by now so Dean didn't complain as much when I bandaged his fingers in tape and took his shoe off, quickly running to get ice for his ankle. Wasn't the worst ever, but he'd need to rest a few days, which I knew he wouldn't.

I brought them both back a beer, because... Winchesters. And then I went back to Sam. He sat in silence as I butterfly bandaged the cuts and wrapped it. He'd be fine.

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