Last hybrid

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Request by gamergirl457(cat hybrid!stampyxwolf hybrid!dan)
In the mystic forest,a forbidden place home of the hybrids in any kind of species like snakes,fish,deers,spiders,birds and mythical animals etc than one day hunters came by they spotted a tribe of cat hybrids and began to kill the hybrid tribe but one lived a young cat hybrid man named Stampy he run away from killing of his tribe away from the humans when he was far away he was now alone and the last of his tribe so he wonders though the forest continued living.
-2 months later- dan pov
I was using my wolf speed searching for food it's very difficult to hunt food when you're a hybrid wolf than I smell something good I followed the smell and hide behind a tree I took a look and see a tent made of sticks and leaves,a camping fire cooking 3 raw beef and 3 pork I was about to step out but I heard footsteps and hid again still a taking a peek out of the opening trees was a young hybrid cat guy he sat down and used a stick to cook the food he look cute tho my face feels warms and red for some reasons *grumble* oh jeez my stomach was literally craving for that food and thanks to my hunger that hybrid cat heard this.
-Normal pov-
Stampy look though the bushes and saw another guy hybrid who was a wolf Stampy smile and greeted him"hi there"said Stampy,dan felt like to stutter but he said"uh...hi"than he got up"uh...I can't help but smell the food that you cook I been searching for food for awhile"he headed his stomach when a next grumble his hunger grew"well,I wouldn't mind if you have some there ready anyway"said Stampy than they both want back to the camping place and stampy gave dan the 3 pork dan started to eat the pork the taste of the meat made him feel relief and the starving was gone"this tastes so good"dan said"thank you,I'd enjoy cooking I learn from best"replied Stampy"so are you alone or do have anyone with you,like your tribe or something?"asked dan,Stampy began to remember the his tribe been killed by the humans but he answered Dan's questions"actually...I am alone,my tribe was killed by the humans my mom was leader of tribe she told me run away so that I can live but the rest included my mom were killed now I've been wondering though the forest living my life but it's kinda alone for the last two months"dan look sad upon hearing this Stampy tried to ignore the subject so he eat his food"I know how's feels"Stampy didn't understand"what? What are you saying?"asked Stampy"a few months ago my tribe of hybrid wolf who were my family everyone except me were capture in traps than the hunters killed them in cold blood I escaped from it since that day I've been surviving in forest for months using my wolf aspect to live my life so you're not the only one who lost a tribe of your species I been avoiding the humans for days but it's nice to talk to someone about it"said dan,Stampy smiled slightly knowing that this hybrid wolf has someone to talk"yeah it is nice to someone by the way I'm Stampy and you?"asked Stampy"the names dan"replied dan.
-weeks later-
After a few weeks dan and stampy both use their survival ways and their hybrid aspects to live and became the best friends.
"Hey Stampy,we been eating meat of days now I think we should have some fruit for a change,don't you think?"asked dan,Stampy nods"yeah,your right let's find some"than they started to search some fruits.
Stampy search the bushes for fruits but nothing than he began to smell some fruit and followed the smell Stampy found some blueberries on the ground it seems odd but he didn't care as long there is fruits Stampy walk towards it than something sharp hurt his leg Stampy screams so loud he look at his leg it was a bear trap his ankle was bleeding from trap Stampy began to cry of how much this hurts than dan heard the scream and run towards him and saw the trap"don't worry,Stampy I get you out just stay still"said dan but than hunters came one grab dan and pin him to a tree and the other hunters capture Stampy"let's start with cat than the wolf their furry tails will do great"said the leader,the other hunters grab a knife and target towards Stampy's tail Stampy cried he try to struggle free but the trap made it painful dan grew furiously and his right hand turned into an actual wolf claw and cut the leader leaving him bleed to death the other started saw this and run cowardly dan felt calm and his hand turned to normal dan run to Stampy free him Stampy was still crying"d-d-dan,I-it h-hurts"weep Stampy,dan use some materials to fixes the ankle so he made leaf case they both got up to test it and it work"feel better?"asked dan,Stampy hug him while dan was blushing"yes and thank you"replied Stampy,dan kiss him on the cheek to make him feel more better"you're going to take a break from this hunting stuff until than I'll will help you until your ankle is heal"said dan and they both slowly walk back to their camp which Stampy still limping while dan is supporting him.

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