Robot love

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Request by vortexthebunny230(just imagine dan and stampy themselves as robot this a fnaf 2 dancat fanfic,I'm sorry for this)
It was night 3 of stampy's pizzeria the night guard was freaking out as usual while he was searching for the was 1 am now stampy woke up and was off to the office but it was very dark so he can't see he felt a door and he enter it wasn't the office stampy turn the light on and see the 3 old robots have left but one remain it was guy robot he had blue hair,goggle,black jacket,dark blue shirt,black pants,brown shoes and have amour pads from elbow to knee stampy know who he is he was dan from the old pizza place but he wasn't completely damaged just dusty and old not rip apart because Dan's parts aren't use to make the new ones so they leave him alone as him.stampy knee down and got closer and waited for dan to wake up than suddenly he woke up seeing his eyes dan crawl back scared stampy told him that he doesn't mean no harm dan was calm down now stampy smiled"hi there"dan stood silent and talked"are you to make fun of me?"asked dan"what? No,why would I do that?"said stampy"well,last night your friends came here and started gloating about they better than us and we are just worthless and forgotten and also nobody like us and it really got me"somber dan,stampy feel sorry for dan maybe he make dan feel better"I don't think you worthless and I find you really cool and you seem like you will belong in our group"said stampy,dan feel better after stampy confronted words so he kiss him stampy kiss back the two male robots began to make out dan put his hand on stampy's back and moved down inside of stampy's pants feel his metal skin stampy removed his pants same for dan and stampy moved up and put his entrance in Dan's d and began to move up and down very fast they began to grunt and moan than the two male robots came they feel exhausted and panting,they both let go of each other they looked at each other and kiss again and let go dan look at the clock and it was almost 6am"stampy,you back to your spot it's almost 6"said dan"well,can I come back the next night?"asked stampy"yes,you can"said dan,stampy got up and they said goodbye to each other and want back to their spots than the alarm rain and every robot want back to spot stampy and dan couldn't wait for the next night and continue the fun together.

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