Catching Up With A Friend.

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Sarah's POV

I brushed myself off and quickly hugged Alana so hard that I thought she was suffocating from my grip! I let go when she weakly said she could barely breathe and smiled at her embarrassed. I picked up her books from the floor and handed them to her and we quickly started chatting excitedly, trying to catch up as much as we could.

"So, I heard there would be a newbie here, but I didn't think the newbie would be such an experienced rider that I already know!" She said happily. We both laughed and I nodded my head.

"Thanks for the compliment! I was so nervous coming here, I was hoping you didn't change, and I was right! You're still your amazing bubbly and happy self!" I smiled and she giggled and accepted the compliment I gave her. We knew I only visited for a day at this place, but when we first met we instantly became besties!

"So how's Scarlet? I haven't seen her in so long!"

"She's amazing! She is getting better every day! She is a fast learner during practices and I'm glad to have such an awesome horse like her!"

We talked a lot as we  took care of out horses. Before practice started Alana decided she should take me on a trail ride around the place. I greatly accepted and thanked her as we tacked our horses up.  It was an amazing day and they had a school there too! Alana told me many things about the place and we soon got back to the barn around 7:00. We walked into the barn holding guiding our horses inside when a man at least a year or two older than us stepped in front of us.

"Why did you miss practice Alana?" He asked in an impatient tone. She sheepishly explained that she was showing me around and he quickly looked at me and blushed, quickly apologizing. He had brown hair and rich blue eyes... They were so beautiful... WAIT am I drooling?!?! I shook my head taking my eyes off of him and looked down at my boots until he quickly shook my hand.

"S-Sorry, I'm Jackson, but uh everyone calls me Jax!" He seemed nervous and very excited, I quickly looked back up at him and smiled.

"I'm Sarah! I just came today, I used to go to Horseland!"

"Oh, that old place? Pfft! You're better off here, at a REAL ranch to be!" He smirked as he shamed Horseland. I flinched and took my hand away and looked down, hurt filling my eyes. He quickly noticed this and apologized for being rude. I shrugged my shoulders still ignoring his gaze.

"I-I'm sure Horseland is still an amazing place though haha!" He said desperately trying to fix what he just said. I giggled from his horrible attempts and quickly hated myself for laughing. Buuuuut he was pretty cute when he stammered! I looked up at Jax and nodded quickly ignoring his insult towards Horseland and focused on his cute smile. Alana cleared her throat and we blushed looking her direction.

"*Cough* Still here *cough*" She said and we all laughed. Apparently Stan Hope has dorms for the students and I got to share a room with Alana. I was so excited when the owner of the school and ranch told me this. I smiled and I walked to my new dorm unpacking my clothes and everything I needed.  I plopped on my new bed and we quickly chatted, sometimes gossiping and telling funny stories. Then Alana quickly asked me a truth as we played Truth or Dare that I completely turned so red that I was as bright as a tomato!

"So, who do you like more, Will or Jax?" She giggled mischievously and soon started rolling on the floor laughing when she saw me blush so much. She soon recovered and I finally had to answer.I shrugged and looked down at my stuffed animal lamb. I played with it's fake fluffy fleece as I thought about my answer.

"Well.. I like Will a lot.. But he has a girlfriend.." I frowned as I continued to play with my stuffed animal lamb. She quickly jumped on my bed and sat upright next to me and asked me curiously who.

"A girl named Stella... I think she hates me.. Whenever I messed up or did something wrong or did something embarrassing in front of everybody.. She always seemed to enjoy my sadness.. I also noticed that when I looked out of the window to see everybody wave at me sadly.. I noticed this happy grin and a victorious shine in her eyes.. As if she wanted me to leave all along.." I said sadly and Alana quickly gasped.

"W-what's her last name..?" I looked up at her in confusion.

"I don't know, like Kent or something?"

She looked at me, her gaze full of sadness and horror. I gazed back at her confused. But when Alana answered back, I gasped almost dropping my stuffed lamb.

"My name is Kent! My sister went to Horseland! Stella's my sister!"

And when I heard that, my heart stopped as I took in what she just said..

"Y-Your s-sister..?"

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