School.. Great.

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Sarah's POV

Stella had kept her distance from me the entire summer, and it was the first day of school. She soon left Horseland, but Alana luckily stayed at Horseland with me. She was probably the greatest friend I had, and we made sure to do everything together. Today was the day of starting a new year of learning and I felt very nervous as I tried to decide between two cute outfits. I soon decided to wear a cute white casual dress with flowers on it, and I put a light white sweater on top. I wore white flats and a golden and shiny bracelet.  I grabbed my books and quickly grabbed my phone and earbuds and ran downstairs. I hugged my parents and took a granola bar and ran out the door and waited for the bus.

15 minutes later the bus soon arrived and I got on and sat in an empty seat. As we finally got to school after picking everybody up, everybody ran out excitedly, instantly getting into groups of friends and reuniting with others. I was the last to get off, feeling so nervous I thought I'd throw up. I quickly found my new locker and looked at the paper the principal handed me. I found the code printed on it and soon unlocked my locker 5 minutes later. I decorated it and then soon started organizing everything. I grabbed my books and walked to my first class. I felt relief flood through me as I saw Will and Alana. I sat next to Will and behind Alana's seat and we all started talking. As the bell rang the teacher came in and we all introduced ourselves before starting class. I soon started doodling in my notebook, waiting for the bell to ring, hoping for the school day to finish, wishing I could just walk out and speak with my friends whenever I liked. But I knew that I'd have to wait until lunch to be able to speak to them. I sighed as I glanced at Will, wishing I could hear his kind and comforting voice to help my through the day.

Problems (Sarah x Will) SUPER OLD! (Currently Being Rewritten!)Where stories live. Discover now