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Christina's POV

I wait patiently for Harry to get back from that damned hospital. All of his free time is spent there with that bitch.

I could give less than a rat's ass about her. I knew that pulling the plug on her life support didn't work when he called and told me the 'great news' about her being awake. He said he would be here soon.

The cat Harry found, Sasha, has been staying at my place since Niall and Liam couldn't watch her anymore because they had 'important business' to attend to. I pick her up and put her in her cage. I've actually have grown fawned of the tiny creature.

I struggle to reach the zipper on my red dress. It had cut outs on the side of my stomach and flared at the ends. Harry said he loved it and it was his absolute favorite dress of mine.

I finally manage to zip it then run to the closet and pull on my nude pumps. My blonde hair is curled to the side. I apply red lipstick and mascara.

Once finished, I doused myself in perfume and pull put my phone, dialing his number. I sigh angrily as I slam my phone down. I realize he has turned his phone off.

I fiddle around with my thumbs and continue to wait. Harry wouldn't blow me off. After all we have been through. He wouldn't dare. Would he? My question was answered when three hours later, I'm still sat on my bed waiting for him.

Fuck this.

I jump into the driver's side of the car and speed off into the night. All I see is red. Once I arrive at the hospital, I get out of the car without even turning the car off.

I walk into the door, trying to remember what floor Harry said he was on. Fuck I cant remember.

Think Chris.



I will just have to try both.

I walk over to the elevator and click the 9th floor once inside. When the doors open, I storm out of them. I walk to each and every door, reading charts until I read one that says "Amber Urns."

My hand slams down on the door knob and the door comes flying open. My heart is slowly ripped to pieces at the sight in front of me.

Amber's head rest on Harry's chest, his head rest on top of her head and his arms are wrapped around her waist.

He has never held me in such a way. It churns something inside of me.


 I rush over to the bed, my heels clinking loudly against the marble and my arms reach for Harry's jacket, yanking him off the bed and onto the floor.

"What the...?" he sits up quickly, rubbing his eyes. He isn't fully alert until he recognizes my face.

"What the fuck is this!?" I shout 

He doesn't say anything as he looks into my blue eyes. Amber is fully awake now too, at the sound of my voice.


Harry's POV

Amber fell asleep almost immediately at the sound of my voice. It comforts me too. To have her here in my arms and to know that I can be of assistance to her wellness brightens any gloomy day.

I finally feel myself drifting off to sleep when I am yanked to the floor by someone.

"What the...?" I jump up, wiping the person into my vision and I immediately know those blonde curls anywhere. Chris.

She begins shouting and the only thing I can actually hear his my heart thumping in my chest. I glance over to Amber is staring wide-eyed and her mouth agape but she isn't saying anything

"Harry!? Did you forget something!?" She continues to go on.

The truth? 

No, I didn't forget. I knew tonight was date night. I knew we had planned this months ago. I knew I was suppose to pick her up hours ago. I knew she bought me a new suit. I knew she was planning to wear my favorite, that I loved on her. God, she looks so good right now.

But Amber.

When she asked me to stay with her, it completely caught me off guard. I didn't know what to say. My heart told me that the correct answer was not no.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" 

"How could you!?"

"I trusted you! And here you are laying up with some slut in a hospital. Very romantic idiot."

"I guess still more romantic than our date night, huh!?"

Chris' anger is seen in her facially expression. Her face is beet red and her eyes are watery as she keeps up her fight.

"Shut up." Amber's quiet voice breaks through Chris' shouting. Amber's hands are placed over her ears, she must have a massive headache and my heart instantly hurts for her.

"What!?" Chris seethes

"Just make her stop." She whimpers more and I cant stand to hear her in pain. "Bumble bee, please." Her voice sounds terrible.

"Who are you to tell me what the fuck to do!?" She yells once more "What the hell even is a bumble bee!?" And before I can even process anything Chris is taking steps towards Amber.

Maybe that is why we get on so well, we are both hot-heads. I quickly slide in between them, my hands pushing against Chris' shoulders tightly and there is no way she could possibly move from my grip.

"So now you are defending this whore!?" She screams attempting to lunge towards the bed, and I'm convinced that she will lose her voice soon.

"No, I'm simp-" Before I could finish my sentence a flood of people are in the room. 

It's Bambi's doctor, a few noisy nurses and that fucking rent-a-cop that threw me out last time.

"Whats all the commotion?" Dr. Evans ask taking a step closer. Chris is still thrashing in my arms trying to get to Amber as if I'd ever let her.

"Ma'am calm down." The 'cop' says but that doesn't help.

"Fuck Chris stop!" I finally push Christina's body against the wall, pinning her in place. "Stop." I whisper and she finally calms down. I've never seen her so angry. She is shaking uncontrollably and it scares the hell out of me.

I let her go and she shoves me away, straightening her dress.

"Miss, we are going to ask you nicely to please leave." Mr. rent-a-cop says.

"So whats it gonna be Harry? You can either leave with me or you can stay here with that bitch." Chris is out of breathe from being so rallied up, as she struggles to talk.

I look over to Amber and she isn't looking at me, she only stares at her lap, her hands still cupped over her ears.

My eyes travel back to Christina's blue ones and her fist are balled and I can tell she is trying too hard to not lose it

"Well?" her voice clips.

I open my mouth and everyone in the room is staring at me except the one person that I want to be looking at me.




UGH :( 


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