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Amber's POV

"You turned out very beautiful. But your hair is a little odd." He motions towards my turquoise hair. Its probably time to dye it again anyways.

"You even have my eyes." My father chuckled. Which was true, except my eyes had more orange pigment to them. This honestly cant be happening. 

"Are you going to say anything?" He laughed again. But I'm not sure why, I do not see anything funny about this.

"Where were you? Why did you leave? Why did you let that man abuse my mother?" I asked. Harry's grip on my waist tightened as he rest his chin on my head again. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything rude yet.

"If .. If I wouldn't have left, you and your mother would be dead by now." He said in a hushed tone and by this time I was crying again.

Harry's phone rings and he untangles himself from me to answer it. I assumed it was Chris but right now I don't care.

"So you just left? I didn't even know what you looked like. You could have at least left a picture." I say wiping the tears away.

"There was no time for that. Two days after you were born, I had to leave. Your mother promised me that she wouldn't mention me until the time is right." 

"Okay." I say wanting to end this conversation. I get it he left to protect us blah blah blah. I don't have time for this. I just want to go home, ice my foot and cuddle into Harry's chest.

"I love you. I thought about you every day." He whispers and Harry returns from his phone call.

"Now give me a hug." He opens his arms and I'm skeptical about walking over to him but Harry's massive hands give me a push and I go stumbling forward into my father's arms.


"So enough crazy shit happen to you today? Or would you like something else?" Harry says setting down the bags of stuff he got for Sasha on our walk home, we had even picked up my hair dye. My father offered to have someone drive us but I kindly declined. Despite my bad ankle, I needed a little fresh air.

We had to stop every ten minutes because Harry believed it would be good to take breaks every now and then. I told him I was fine but he insisted that I'd stop being stubborn and comply with him.

He pulls out the stuff we bought and it really isn't too much, just the necessities.

I'm not really sure how to feel about today. Harry isn't a construction worker but some kind of mob gangster druggie? I haven't a clue. I finally found my father rather like he found me.

When meeting my father I imagined him to live in a small cottage with his new family. His khakis that had creases down the pant leg were tied around his waist with a brown belt and his chest covered in a blue button up polo.

I assumed he would have either have brown or black hair since my mother's natural hair was blonde and so was mine.

All in all I'm not too shocked anymore. It has grown on me in the last few hours and I've come to accept it. I don't know about allowing him in my life and being all close when in reality I have no clue who he is. He has been missing my whole life.

"Hello?" Harry's hands wave in my face bringing me out of my trance.

"Yeah. I think I'm good." I say answering his question from earlier and he smiles.

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