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Amber's POV

"Didn't expect to see you here man!" Louis shouts, smiling and I can tell he has had at least one or two drinks tonight.

"Yeah?" Harry scratches his neck and laughs.

We continue into the yard, meeting Louis' family and friends again. I've met them a few times before but Harry knows them very well as do the other guys.

Niall offers a beer to Harry and he immediately accepts, and snaps the cap off, downing it. Niall then ask me if I wanted a beer in which I kindly decline. I don't drink unless its a special occasion in which we would drink fancy wines or a light cocktail.

Harry plays with the Louis' younger sisters and I must say it is the cutest thing I've ever seen. They've been kicking this ball around for a while now and I wish for it to never stop.

We eat, chatting and making small talk about nothing important and it soon began to get dark. That's when I had realized we've been here all day.

Everyone was packing up and heading into the house but Harry stayed put.

"Hey! You guys coming?" Liam yells, him being the last one to enter the house.

"Just a sec." Harry said and Liam nodded, leaving us to ourselves.

He sits on the brick wall, that is covered in random twigs and dirt. I'm glad he is wearing all black because his clothes would be ruined if they were any other color.

Without a word he jumps off the stone wall and runs towards the back of the yard which is shadowed by the night sky.

"Harry!" I whisper-yell.

"C'mon!" His voice is mischievous and I know he is up to something.

I follow in suit and I finally hear the sound of grass crunching under his boots stop. What the hell? 

"Harry, what the fuck!?" I say in a hushed tone, my hands searching for him in the dark.

"Boo!" He whispered in my ear and I lunged forward, in fright but his hands grabbed my waist pulling me back to him.


"I know."

His hand carries me over to the farthest corner of his backyard and at night time his backyard feels like a giant maze. I hear the sound of a zipper and Harry's hand releases itself from me as he climbs onto something.

"Dude. What the hell?" I say, the wind whipping around my hair, and the air is becoming increasingly colder.

"Get up here." His hand reaches down and pulls me up on the cushioned platform. He throws me down and I scream because I thought we were on some type wall. My back hits the springs and bounces up and I realize I am on a trampoline.

I stand up and push him and he falls on his bum bouncing back up, His arms wrap around me picking me up and throwing down but he ends up falling with me and we both fall into a fit of giggles.

We basically wrestle each other for a while but that ended when I put Harry in a head lock, he attempted to wiggle out but eventually tapped out. He pouted and I smiled victoriously.

He flopped back on the trampoline, his hands resting behind his head. I do the same, my hands resting just below my belly button.

"Louis and I use to come out here all the time. To think or just chill. Whatever." His eyes staring up at the beautiful night sky.


"Yep." He sighs happily.

I'm glad to see him happy for the first time in weeks. I feared that my best friend would be stuck in his gloomy state for the rest of his years on this Earth. Which makes me think about the future. Where will I be five years from now? 

"Harry? Whats your biggest fear?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath thinking for a second "Hmm." He pauses. "I'd say loosing the ones that I love the most. What is yours?" 

"The fear of the unknown." 

"What do you mean?" He glances at me.

"Well like, whats going to happen five minutes from now or tomorrow or a year. I hate not knowing what I have in store for me." I explain, still looking up at the sky. He doesn't say anything and I assume he is letting what I said sink in.

"You see that star?" His finger points up to the dullest star in the night.


"I'm naming it after you, right now because you are dull in personality. Star Bambi." He laughs.

"Ha-Ha." I sarcastically laugh.

"You don't like it? Bambi is cute." He laughs again and the back of my hand slaps his chest.

Before I can retract my hand he grabs it, pulling me towards him with such force, it causes me to roll on top of him.

"Sorry." I sniffle and begin to climb off him but he stops me.

One of his hands move to my neck slowly pushing my head towards his face, the other resting just under my bum, on my thigh.

He stares up at me, his thick lips slightly parted, a puff of smoke coming from the cold air around us, trickles out.

I'm almost positive that my eyes are running and my fingers will snap off but if that means I get to hold this moment for a while I will let all ten fingers go.

"Harry. We shouldn't." I push my hands against his chest.

"Don't fight me." His hand pushes my face back down to his again.

"Don't." He whispers as his eyes start to close. I give in my eyes slightly closing too.

"Harry! Amber!" I hear Zayn's thick accent yell to us.

Harry groans and I begin to lift myself from him.

"Wait. Just ignore him, he will go away." He whispers. 

I roll my eyes playfully and move to jump off the trampoline and Harry follows. We walk back up to the porch where Zayn is standing, cup in hand.

"Its freezing out here! Liam wanted me to check up on you guys! C'mon, its freezing!" Zayn laughs and I know he has had one too many.

I smile as we go through the sliding glass doors, where a rush of warm air, captures me and I mentally sigh in relief.

Everyone has gone home for the most part except the guys and Louis' mum and siblings.

"Harold!" Louis shouts and I physically see Harry cringe. He really does hate being called that.

"Look who finally showed up! I was starting to think that they wouldn't show up." Louis slurs. Everyone here has had too many drinks other than Harry and I.

As this person walks forward I try to prevent from face palming myself in front of everyone in this room.


What it is? Wassup. lol 

The chapter I wrote earlier was rushed bc I was in class doing it but it was the original length. Um yeah. I got this idea from a couple I know and I thought it was really cute. So I didn't take it from anywhere.

So idk. Lol 

Who came to "visit" Harry lol (;

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