Chapter 20

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

A loud banging sound wakes me up. I cover my ears searching for the cause of all this noise. I spot Louis dancing around the living room with a pot and a wooden spoon. Are you serious?

"Knock it off!" Niall yells throwing a pillow at him. Louis dodges it easily and bangs the pot next to Harry's ear who is sleeping next to me.

A groaning sound comes from behind me. I turn around to see Liam starting to wake up. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. "I think our all nighter failed." He whispers.

"Wake up!" Louis continues banging the pot and spoon together.

I groan loudly and cover my ears burying myself in Liam's chest trying to drown out the noise. Why is it that I can never wake up properly in the morning? Liam wraps his arms around my waist instinctively.

"The photo shoot is in one hour!" Louis shots in Harry's ear.

"Then let me sleep for another fifty minutes!" Harry groans rolling over on his side.

"We need to leave in thirty minutes though!" Louis walks over to Liam and I. "You two can cuddle in the limo! Go get dressed!" Louis grabs my legs and drags me across the floor.

"Louis! Let me go!" I grab the table to stop myself.

"Promise to get dressed?" He asks.

"I promise!"

Louis drops my legs and runs back over to Harry. That boy can sleep through anything. I'm so jealous.

I climb off the floor and walk to the bedroom where all the suitcases are. I grab mine and unzip it. I pull out a pair of denim shorts, white tank top, and a blue and green plaid button up. I dig for my green high top Chuck Taylor's to complete my outfit. I trudge to the bathroom to quickly change.

When I'm finished, I head to the kitchen. The photo shoot will probably last for a while. I need some food in my belly. I pass the living room to see Harry still curled up on the floor in a blanket. I guess he got his wish.

I open the fridge to see what kind of food the hotel stocked in it. I grab a cherry yogurt and a spoon.

"Oh thanks." Niall grabs the yogurt out of my hand. Seriously?! He eats a spoonful of the yogurt and walks away. They better have food there.

"Are you ready for tonight with your lover boy?" Someone whispers in my ear.

I scream loudly and jump in the air. Megan is bent over clutching her stomach behind me. Harry sits up quickly looking around.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shout at her clutching my chest. I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack.

Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis rush in the kitchen carrying different objects. Louis is holding a pillow. Zayn has a hair brush. Niall has a green toothbrush and Liam has a tv remote.

"That's what you bring to protect me? What if there was a robber?" I ask.

"At least we came." Zayn points out walking back to the bathroom when he notices I'm fine.

"Why did you scream?" Liam sets the remote down.

I point behind me to Megan who is still laughing. "She scared me."

"That was hilarious!" She laughs.

"Can we leave now?" I ask Liam.

"We have to wait for Harry to get ready." Niall answers.

At that moment, Harry walks in the kitchen wearing a pair of jeans, white shirt, navy blazer, and white sneakers. "I'm ready."

"Race you downstairs!" Louis shouts running out of the hotel suite.

I exchange a look with the guys before racing after Louis. "Loser has to sleep on the couch tonight!" I yell on my way out. I run down the hallway to the open elevator.

"Sorry, but I'm not losing!" Louis says when the elevator doors shut. No!

I turn on my heel and run to the stairway door. Liam runs out of the suite door and collides into me. I stumble backwards, but Liam catches me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No! Louis took the elevator. Now we have to take the stairs." I complain grabbing his hand and opening the stairway door.

"We won't make it down first." Liam runs down the stairs next to me. "Elevators are faster."

"True." I agree. "But, elevators stop on just about every floor." I point out.

Liam grabs hold of the railing and jumps over a whole set of stairs. I stare at him from the top. Lucky! I jog down the stairs to stand next to him. If I tried that I would land flat on my face.

"How much do you trust me?" Liam smiles down at me.

"A lot." I reply quickly.

"Get on my back." He says.


"Trust me." He smiles.

I jump on his back wrapping my arms and legs around him tightly. He keeps his right hand under my right leg and places his left hand on the railing. He pushes off and jumps down the set of stairs. I wrap my arms tighter around him not wanting to fall off. He continues to doing that until we reach the fifteenth floor.

"Let's try the elevator." I suggest.

Liam opens the stairway door and walks to the elevator keeping me on his back. He presses the down bottom and the elevator opens right up. He presses the first floor and it descends down.

"You can set me down now." I say.

"I'm good." He grips my legs keeping me from sliding.

The elevator stops on the first floor and we walk through the lobby. None of the guys are in the lobby, so we head to the limo outside. The driver is leaning against the limo door. He notices is walking up and opens the door for us.

Liam lets go of my legs and I slide down. I climb in the limo first finding it empty. Where is everyone? Liam climbs in behind me.

"I figured Lou would be here by now." He says sliding next to me on the seat.

I look out the tinted window to see Zayn and Niall running up to the limo with Louis behind them. "Find him." I point.

"Victory!" Niall shouts when he dives headfirst in the limo. Zayn jumps in next and then Louis. Niall groans in pain when they all land on him.

"We were here first!" I laugh.

Louis rolls off of them and sits in the seat across from us. "But we don't have to sleep on the couch. Megan and Harry do."

"They probably planned that." I say.

A few minutes later, Megan and Harry stroll out of the hotel laughing about something. They climb in the limo with huge grins on their faces. They definitely planned on being last. The driver starts the limo and we are on our way to Teen Scene magazine.

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