Chapter 56

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"We'll have to hang out one day when you're still in New York." Drake fixes his backpack on his shoulder.

"Definitely." I agree stepping off the terminal.

Surprisingly, there aren't any fans crowding the fairly crowded airport. I figured that there would be a huge amount of teenage girls waiting for Drake Bell to land in New York.

Considering that it is three in the morning, I can understand why there is no one here. I certainly wouldn't want to be at an airport to see a celebrity. His fans might not know he is here anyways. Drake did say it was a surprise to his fans about him recording an album. That may explain why he was flying at night.

"My driver is here." Drake motions toward a man in a fancy suit. "I'll see you around, Tori." Drake gives me a quick hug.

I watch Drake walk over to his driver. He is a pretty cool guy. I loved his character on Drake and Josh. When I was younger, I would come home from school and watch Drake and Josh at three. I did that everyday.

I should have gotten a picture with him to show Megan. She was obsessed with that show as much as I was. I'm still partially in shock that I met Drake Bell.

I pick up my duffel bag from the conveyor belt. I should have asked the guys who was going to pick me up. I have no idea how I'm going to meet up with my mother. It would be just my luck to get lost in New York. I don't even know where she lives.

I'm so screwed.


I stop walking around aimlessly. I turn around slowly, my eyes landing on a woman in her late thirties with wavy, brown hair. She has the same eye color as me. My breath catches in my throat as I stare at the gorgeous woman in front of me.

"Mom?" I whisper unable to move. My legs feel like jelly.

The woman smiles at me with tears in her eyes. "I've missed you, sweetheart."

I rush forward, finally capable to move. I fling my arms around my mom's neck in a tight embrace. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to keep myself from bawling my eyes out. I've missed her so much. It's been way too long.

"You must be tired." Mom pulls back with tears glistening in her eyes. "Let's get you back to my place."

I nod my head wiping away the tears that escaped. "Okay." I grin.

I follow my mom out of the airport to an awaiting silver Expedition. A male driver is sitting in the driver's seat waiting for us patiently. My mom walks to the other side and climbs in. I open the back door and slide in.

"Tori, this is my personal driver Shawn. While you are staying here, he will take you anywhere you need to go." Mom explains, buckling her seatbelt in place.

"Honestly, I'll just be glad to hang out with you." I reply.

Mom smiles at me. "I can't promise to be able to hang out with you all week-"

"I'm good with just seeing you now." I cut her off.

"How about tomorrow we have a lazy day? I don't have to work until five. We can hang out in my apartment and watch movies like we used too." Mom suggests.

"I would love that." I agree.

A small yawn escapes my mouth and my mom chuckles. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there."

"I'm not that tired." I yawn again, cuddling on the seat, resting my head on the window.

"You're insecure. Don't know what for-"

"Can you turn it up, please?" I mumble shutting my eyes. Shawn turns up the volume and I drift off to sleep listening to the boys.

"Sweetheart, wake up. We're here." My mom rubs my arm.

I open my eyes to see the car parked in a parking garage. I sit up and stretch. My mom climbs out of the car and I follow her. Shawn grabs my duffel bag and hands it to me. I thank him. My mom leads me over to an elevator.

"I hope you like your room. I wasn't sure how to decorate it." Mom starts.

"I'm sure it's fine." I say stepping into the empty elevator. Mom presses the twenty third floor button. The elevator raises up slowly.

Is it crazy to say I already miss the boys? I've only been gone for six hours and I miss them so much. I'm not used to it being quiet.

I miss Louis randomly shouting odd things.

I miss Niall's contagious laughter and complaining that he is hungry.

I miss Megan always being there for me.

I miss Harry's crazy curls.

I miss Zayn and how he is like a brother to me.

More importantly, I miss Liam. I just miss everything about him. I miss his incredible hugs. I miss his smile. I miss his kisses. I miss how protective he is of the boys. I must be going crazy. It's only been a few hours and it already feels like a week passed.

"Thinking about One Direction?" Mom interrupts my thoughts.

A blush creeps up on my cheeks. "I just miss them so much."

"I would expect you too. It's obvious you two are in love." Mom says stepping out of the elevator.

Love? Am I in love with Liam? I never really thought about it before. Is it too soon to be in love with him? Do I really love him? Is that why I miss him so much? Because I'm in love with him. What exactly is love?

"You haven't told him you love him yet?" Mom guesses, staring at my face.

I shake my head still standing in the elevator. "I never really thought about it." I say truthfully. "Why did you think we are in love?"

My mom smiles at me. "Sweetie, it's the most obvious thing in the world. I saw you on tv and in magazines. The way he looks at you like you're the only girl he sees. Liam is completely in love with you."

"He is?" I finally step out of the elevator.

"You haven't noticed?" Mom leads me down the hallway.

I shake my head. Is Liam really in love with me? Why hasn't he said anything? Do the guys know? Does Megan know? Am I the only one who hasn't noticed? Am I really that oblivious to things?

"Here we are." Mom unlocks a door. She pushes the door open and allows me to step in.

The apartment is quite big. There is a large kitchen to the left with a tiny table in the corner. The living room is a decent size with a set of couches and a flat screen hanging on the wall. There is a hallway that leads to two bedrooms. The first door is my mom's room which means my bedroom is the second door.

"I'll see you in the morning, sweetheart." Mom hugs me before heading in her room.

I carry my duffel bag to my new bedroom. The walls are a white cream color. There is a queen sized bed in the middle of the room with a red comforter on it. I have a tiny bathroom connected to my room. The closet is pretty tiny, but it will work. There is a desk and a chair up against one wall with a laptop on it. The room is a bit plain for my tastes.

I grab a set of pajamas from my bag and change quickly. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and climb in my bed. I grab my phone and headphones. I click on One Direction's album. I shut my eyes and listen to Liam's voice.

Does he really love me? It would make sense now. I hate being away from him. I love everything about him. I would go crazy without him in my life. I'm going to go crazy without him for a week.

"Holy shit. I'm in love with Liam Payne."


Author's Note:

I thought this was such a cute chapter. Tori realizes she is in love with Liam.

I hope you all liked it. I definitely liked writing it.

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