Chapter 5

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Last night was really fun. After we calmed down a little, we all laid on the ground. I was leaning my head on Louis's shoulder. Harry had his head in my lap. Niall and Zayn were on their stomachs in front of me and Liam was on the couch I was leaning on. We fell asleep eventually, but I don't remember when.

"This will be great blackmail one day." Someone giggles.

I ignore the voice and snuggle more into the couch. I don't remember the couch being this comfy. A heartbeat echoes in my ear.


Couches don't have heartbeats. What am I sleeping on?

A loud laugh rings throughout the room and I feel an arm tighten around my waist.

"Megan, what are you doing?" A groggy Irish voice asks. So, that's who I heard giggling.

"Recording them sleeping." She answers laughing. "Aren't they cute?" Why can't they shut up? I'm tired.

"We should probably wake them up." Niall says.

"Good idea. I'll wake them and you record it." Megan says to him.

"No! I'll wake them. You're too much like Louis." Niall quickly says. "Harry. Zayn wake up."

"Wah?" A soft voice groans.

"Two down. Three to go." Niall mumbles. "Louis, Tori, Liam wake up."

Something underneath me moves and pulls me closer to it. "Let me sleep." It mumbles. Did my bed just talk?

I lift my head up slowly and take it my surroundings. Oh my gosh! I'm sleeping on Liam! My left arm is draped over his body with a fistful of his shirt. I gasp loudly and Liam fully wakes up. He looks down at me and blushes. Wait. If Liam has his arm around my shoulders then who is holding on to my waist? I turn my head to look over my shoulder and see Louis right behind me. Well, this is awkward.

"Are you filming us?" Liam asks sitting up some.

I attempt to sit up, but Louis has me pinned. Awh. He looks so cute sleeping. This will be the quietest and most normal I will ever see him. I spin in his arms to face him. I poke his cheek gently. He doesn't even move.

"Louis." I poke him harder. Nothing. "Louis!" I do it again. Louis turns quickly and tries to bite my finger. I scream loudly and everyone starts laughing. "That's not funny!" I slap his chest.

"I like this position!" Louis exclaims pulling me even closer to his body.

I struggle to get out of his tight hold. "Let me go." I try to unwrap his arms around me. I manage to get out of his arms. "I'm going to go change."

I run upstairs two at a time to my room. I have to get ready for Taylor and I's day together. I grab a pair of red shorts that match my hair color as my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer without looking at the caller id.

"Hey, baby." Taylor says. I hate when he calls me baby.

"I'm getting ready for our day together." I look through my closet.

"About that. I can't make it."

I stop what I'm doing. "Why not?"

"My grandma is in the hospital. I'll probably be there all week." Taylor explains.

"Oh my gosh! Is she okay?" I sit down on my bed.

"Yeah. Anyways, I gotta go." Taylor says before hanging up. That was short.

I stand up and grab a black over the shoulder sweater. I hope his grandma is okay. I brush my naturally straight hair before heading back downstairs. I find everyone in the kitchen eating some breakfast.

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