9. Stalking

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The weapons class was over. Roven had finished his sword practice and was now in the locker room, undressing his training outfit and putting his uniform back on. He was feeling confident for the ranking event, he was pretty sure he could get first place that time. Swords weren't used that much so almost no one ever enrolled for sword ranking, therefore, it was easier to get a good rank in it than in most other weapons. Those who took first place in a weapons ranking enjoyed certain benefits, bigger rations and being able to leave the academy without having to ask being the best of them, but not the only. The ones who took the lowest position in a weapons ranking, however, would be grounded, without authorization to leave the academy for the month, and forced to train overtime in both athletics and weapons.

Roven had been on the last place only once, but never had he been in first, losing to Cherler, Damn Cherler! This time it was going to be different.

Ceilus was nowhere to be seen. Roven hoped to talk to him. That book, why did Ceilus have it? Ceilus wasn't a book person. Lily was the book person. "I'm probably just overthinking this." he thought, but, nevertheless, he wanted to be certain. Roven Figured Ceilus would still be in the archery fields and so decided to make his way there. When he was halfway through the door, Ceilus arrived.

"Hey, Ceilus" Roven called, waving.

Ceilus turned his head towards Roven. "Oh, hello." He said.

"I was waiting for you," Roven said.

"Might I ask why? By this time you're usually already gone" Ceilus said, entering to change.

"Well, I can't really go anywhere with the academy's new restrictions. Roven said, smiling while rubbing the back of his neck. "Anyway...I wanted to talk to you about something", now serious.

"We are talking now. Say what you have to say." Ceilus said, undressing.

"I meant I wanted a private conversation." Roven clarified, turning his head away from Ceilus's half naked body.

"I'm in a rush. Would you mind postponing it to evening?" Ceilus asked, pulling his pants up.

"What are you in a rush for?" Roven asked, confused. Ceilus was not the kind of person who rushed for anything.

"There are just some things I have to do" Ceilus said, now fully clothed, put his satchel on and left the room.

"Can I come with?" Roven asked.

"It's something I'd prefer to do alone" Ceilus answered.

"Ok then, See you later," Roven said, letting Ceilus gain distance on him. He would, however, not let him get out of sight. Roven had started to harbor some suspicions towards his friend, come to think of it, Ceilus had always been somewhat secretive, and this only made him more preoccupied. He was going to follow Ceilus and see what he was up to. It wasn't like he had anything better to do, being unable to leave the academy and all...

Ceilus went back to the dormitory first, into their room. What he did there Roven wasn't sure, Roven tried to keep himself at a distance, so Ceilus wouldn't notice him. Ceilus left the room quickly. "What did he come here for?" Roven pondered. His best guess was that he had come there to pick up something. Why else would he take so little time?

Ceilus left the dormitory. Roven followed him. Where was he going to go next? Ceilus headed west, to the center of the academy. The academy was big, much bigger than what was probably needed. It was inhabited by about four hundred students, forty-seven teachers and, of course, the employees required to keep it running, cleaning staff, cooks, inspectors, guards, the principal and, that awful man, the vice principal. Yet, even housing that many people, it felt empty, its dimension was big, really big. It had once been filled with people, back when there weren't as many military academies in Ptar, but, now that there were so several others, people didn't come from far away to train and study in Refdour. Why travel to such a remote place when you have another academy right next to you? Sure, Refdour was more illustrious, having been established so long ago, it had a great history, however, that didn't justify the necessary often harsh trip. Ceilus reached the center of the academy, and so, Roven did as well, a few steps behind him. The principal's office's door opened. Roven saw the silhouette of a man through the door's breach. The man got out and aggressively threw the door shut. The resultant noise called Roven's attention. "He must be really mad." Roven thought, getting close, curious as to what all the fuss was about, careful not to lose Ceilus.

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