4. Disappearance

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At half past eight left Barbara's place, Lily was reluctant to do so but Barbara offered to lent her one of her books, its title: The strange world of electromagnetic waves, and, just like the title indicated, it was about electromagnetic waves, the new discovery in the scientific community around which Barbara was basing her creation of what she called the "microwave machine", the purpose of the unfinished invention would be to warm up food. Ceilus figured Barbara didn't remember all the things that already heated up food, there was the oven, the stove and, well, fire. Needless to say, Ceilus didn't see the need for another contraption which purpose was to heat up food. Anyway, it was now dark and Ceilus and Lily walked through the streets, lit up by the occasional street lamp, approximately one-third of which were still powered by flame, rather than electricity.

"Thanks for introducing me to Barbara." Lily said.

Was the girl feeling chatty?

"Where did that come from?" Ceilus asked" I've introduced you last year"

"Yes, and I'm thanking you for it now" Lily stated, putting it bluntly.

"Well, you're welcome" Ceilus asserted, bemused by Lily's timing.

Soon enough the teenagers reached the academy's front gate, confronted by Jody they had to state their names and at what time they had left the academy. "It's just procedure" the man assured. Then they separated, each heading off to the respective dormitory. The academy's size was daunting, having two dorms, one for each gender, on opposite sides, Ceilus believed this to be an attempt, by whoever designed the academy, to make intercourse between cadets as hard as possible. The academy's campus had an overall circular shape, its outline being defined by a one and a half meters height wall, painted light grey, next to this wall was a slightly darker grey cobblestone road that went all the way around the campus, giving access all the outside buildings, mostly just classrooms and bathrooms, and branching inward about twelve times, connecting this circular road into two others, the inner one, on the center of which was the principal's office and the "mess hall" and another in between these two. This arrangement reminded Ceilus of a spider web, sticking him to it, not allowing him to fly.

Ceilus got to the dorm just in time for recall, standing in front of his bedroom door with Roven, lined up with all other cadets, listening to the vice principle give the typical talk about how they were to enter their bedrooms, turn off the lights and get into bed, etc.

Ceilus pretended to be paying attention to the man when in fact he was thinking about Lily. Had she made it to her dorm in time? She probably had, she tended to walk with a fast pace.

An inspector approached the vice principal, whispering something into his right ear. "It has come to my attention that two students are missing. As such I trust you will proceed as usual without my supervision, allowing me to deal with the situation" the vice principal declared before leaving the room, taking the inspectors with him. Some ruckus arose in the dorm.

"Who's missing?" Someone asked.

"What just happened?" Another followed.

Everyone got into their rooms, fearful of getting into trouble like the missing students surely would be in. Roven didn't seem to be affected by the incident.

Ceilus's room was, just like every other, small. The rectangular room had two beds, one in each of the corners of the wall opposite to the bedroom's entrance, between each of the beds' ends and the entrance wall was a table for studying. In between the beds was the door for their, private, bathroom, with their toilet, lavatory, and shower, tightly, compacted.

The two boys took turns going to the bathroom, washing their teeth and using the toilet. Roven went first. When Ceilus got back to his room Roven was already in his bed. Ceilus undressed his uniform, back turned to his roommate, before getting into his individual bed.

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