15. Frames

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Tuesday had arrived and Lily had just finished the book Barbara had borrowed her. She closed it.

"I see you have finally finished that book. You are usually a much faster reader; was the subject a hard one?" Fita asked, taking a break from her own reading.

Lily shrugged.

"Science is not the largest of my interests, so I would, most likely, not understand that subject. I'm far more interested in law, literature, and politics, as are most people." Fita said as she turned a manual into light and absorbed it. "I've got my reading material, you've finished your book; perhaps we should depart."

Lily put her book in her satchel and got up and the two of them left the library.

"Should we meet Ceilus? He has supposedly already been released." Fita asked.

"Sure," Lily answered.

They made their way out of the library. "Wait, where do you suppose he is?" Fita asked, realizing she had no way of knowing.

"I got a feeling I know," Lily said, signaling her friend to go along with her.

They left the academy, passing by Jody, who confirmed Lily's suspicions.

"Just tell me; where are we going?" Fita asked as they walked down a large street.

Lily opened a building's door and got in.

"What the...?" Fita murmured as she looked up and saw a sign: "Frames"

Inside, the walls were red and the floor was of a bright brown wood, which reflected the light coming from the large windows. It was a club, having a bar, to the left, which was, at that time of the day, the middle of the afternoon, deserted; still, an old woman stood behind it, cleaning mugs. There was a stage on the opposite side to that of the door, in which a guitar player and a pianist, rather old themselves, performed for the non-existent crowd. The only two who were there enjoying the show were patched up Ceilus and Connor, who sat at a circular table with their backs turned to the girls.

Lily simply approached them, slapping Ceilus on the back and sitting next to them.

Ceilus flinched. "That hurt!" He complained. "I may have been released but I still haven't recovered entirely."

"Stop bitchin'," Lily said as she took a sip from his glass of water. Connor laughed.

"Hello," Fita greeted as she sat down as well.

"Who's this?" The guitarist asked excited, putting a hand over Fita's shoulder. "Haven't seen this one before."

"Her name is Fita; she's my new friend," Ceilus said. "Fita, this is Salvad"

"Another one?" The guitarist asked. "Does this one also play something?" He stroked his guitar strings.

"I'm not sure. Do you?" Ceilus asked Fita. "Connor plays the harmonica; that's part of the reason I brought him here"

"The kid has some real knack for it," Salvad said.

"I do know how to play the harp. Or, rather, I did... I haven't laid hands on one for quite a while," Fita said.

"I don't think we got one of those, 'round here" Salvad laughed.

The pianist got up. "Stop bothering the kid," He exhaled. "Forgive his poor manners. The fool almost makes me embarrassed to be in the same room as him."

"Oh, shut up, Lewie! We all know you love him!" The woman behind the counter yelled out.

The pianist blushed in embarrassment, giving everyone the opportunity to have a good laugh.

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