7. Rose

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"Why would you say that?" Uster asked.

"I'm just saying, there is something going on there" Rose declared.

Rose and Uster were walking to the next class, weapon wielding, when Rose noticed a small crowd in front of the principal's office. What was it for? Was it ice cream? Rose loved ice cream, then again it was still winter so that probably wasn't it, not that Rose minded eating ice cream in the winter, the treat was always lovely, but, for some reason, other people were reluctant to do so "It's too cold for ice cream" people said, "there is no such thing as a bad time for ice cream!" Rose refuted those people in her mind. Rose took the matter very seriously.

"What do you think is happening?" Uster asked.

"Not ice cream..." She sorrowfully thought. "Don't know." she said, "let's find out!"

"We'll be late for class" Uster warned.

"So will everyone else here, whatever!" Rose said, pulling Uster along into the crowd.

Uster smiled and let himself be pulled by the girl.

In the Center of the crowd was Dwart with his arm over Linel's shoulder. Surrounding them were four more men, all of them in uniform, a breastplate with the picture of a Warhammer engraved in its middle, symbolizing justice and its fulfillment, the emblem was only ever worn by either officers of the law or politicians. The men pushed the crowd back, making room for Dwart, their leader who, on the jacket he wore on top of his uniform, had a series of medals, which celebrated his many accomplishments.

"Thank you for your help, kid; I'll take care of this," Dwart said, patting Linus on his back and moving along to talk to the press.

"Who's that, in the middle?" Uster asked.

"My father, Dwart" Rose said, rolling her eyes.

Uster took a better look, recognizing the prestigious figure, "Your father is Dwart?!" Uster asked with excitement "Storer police captain, Dwart? He's the best! How come I didn't know that?"

"Why does it matter?" Rose asked in annoyance.

"Why does it matter? You were born into awesomeness!" Uster exclaimed.

"Well, I'd like to think I am awesome for reasons other than being my father's daughter" Rose affirmed, starting to get angry and periodically becoming louder.

"Ok...I'm sorry if I offended you," Uster apologized, feeling silly.

Dwart turned his head into their direction and smiled. It seemed the man had spotted them after hearing Rose. He approached, his arms open, ready for a hug. Everyone made way for him, pushed away by the other officers.

"Sweetie, how have you been?" He asked, squeezing Rose tight.

"Okay," Rose responded, gasping for air.

"Oh sorry, am I hurting you?" Dwart asked, loosening his embrace.

"Thanks" Rose said, breathing in deeply.

"How are classes going? How's Roven?" Dwart asked excited to see one of his children, which he hadn't seen for a while.

"Classes are normal, Roven is fine, I guess. I was just on my way to weapons class. Uster and I are in a rush"

"I thought it didn't matter if we were late," Uster whispered to Rose provocatively.

"Just shut up!" she grumbled.

"That's too bad, I thought we could catch up," Dwart said disappointed, as he let go of his grip on his daughter. "Go on now. I wouldn't want you to be late because of me. I have work to do as well"

"Yes, get going or Mr. Lather might punish you for being tardy," A familiar voice came from behind Rose. She turned around to check who it was and, sure enough, it was none other than the vice principal.

"Of course, Mr. Wersen," Uster replied, grabbing Rose's arm and pulling her along.

Before getting too far, Rose heard the vice principal address her father, "Mr. Azved, principal Faylum wishes to have a word with you"

There weren't many things that made Rose angry, but that vice principal was definitely one of them. His short stature, coupled with his low tone voice, made for a weird combination, which both confounded and upset Rose. That voice from which came only condescendence in the form of terrible comments and, or, orders seriously pissed her off.

"What the hell!" Rose complained, freeing her arm from Uster's grip "I wanted to listen in!"

"You know Wersen would blacklist us in a heartbeat if we'd stayed." Uster said "He's done so for less. The man doesn't need a lot of provocation."

"That damn dwarf!" Rose murmured. Then she sighed, closing her eyes and letting the anger go. "There is no reason to be mad," she whispered to herself, "it doesn't matter. Things are the way they are and that's that". Rose breathed in and out, in and out, in and out, counting to ten, by the time she was done, she felt relaxed. She found herself to be smiling, everything felt right in the world, the sun was shining, the air was fresh and she was happy.

"Ready for a spar?" Rose challenged Uster, with a grin.

"Sure, just try not to be too harsh" Uster requested, "I don't feel like being beaten to a pulp today"

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