Chapter Two

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MY BEST FRIEND Grayson and I walk towards the nearest coffee shop as the snow around us continues to flutter down. This winter has been cold as usual, but for some reason I don't love it as much. I used to love the cold and the snow. I honestly thrived in it. But as the flakes continue to dance in the air around me I wish they would just disappear.

We break through the threshold of the coffee shop's door, and heat instantly fills my bones making me sigh with happiness. Last year when our heater went out we came here constantly for the heat, but ended up loving it for the pastries.

The owner, Thalia, is only in her thirties and owns a few coffee shops around the city. Specifically around the college, which is prime for the students who are over the typical Starbucks and want another vibe. Plus her coffee is ten times better.

Grayson and I scan the room and both of our gazes land on a small empty booth in the back. We begin to make our way to go claim the booth when a voice calls at us.

"You both want your regular?" We hear Thalia's gentle voice call after us.

We both turn around and smile at the woman who has become like an older sister to us. "Yes please," we say in unison before sliding ourselves into the booth.

"So did Maxine already go home?" Grayson asks as she slides off her gloves and fuzzy hat making her blonde hair frizz from the electricity. She settles into the booth as she gets herself comfortable.

"Yeah, she finished finals earlier then she thought she would and decided to just go home," I say while lightly nodding my head.

"Aww, that sucks I didn't get to say goodbye," Grayson comments with a purse of her lips.

"Texting exists Gray," I tease. "Plus it's not like you're around a lot lately," I point out. I'm not trying to be mean, honestly, it's the truth.

"Hey," she says with a scrunched nose. "I've been busy," she mumbles defensively.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing," I tell her. "You're happy, and that's okay."

She smiles at my words.

I don't think I've ever seen Grayson so happy since I've known her, and it has changed her. We were both always sarcastic, and bitchy, and our regard for other people was very low. But now she's thoughtful, and all in all just more caring. It's odd to experience, but kind of beautiful to watch this change in her. It began before Cale came back into her life, but it's as if his presence helped the change solidify. Sometimes it's weird to see her act so differently, though I know the Grayson I love will always be there.

But I also fear at times if this is the Grayson that has been there all along, before her heart was broken. What if what our friendship is based on isn't real? I close my eyes briefly and push those negative thoughts away immediately.

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