Chapter Seven

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"WE'RE GOING TO the beach?" I ask confused at what's Chase just said.

"No," he starts dragging out the single word. "We're going on the boat," he clarifies though his words do anything but for me. He continues to pack a tote for the day not noticing the look of puzzlement that coats my face.

"It's December...." I trail not understanding why the concept of boating on an ocean doesn't sound appealing when it's winter.

He casts me a look, as if I'm being stupid. "We live in southern Florida Hayley," he states. "We don't really get winter," he explains slowly as if I really am daft.

"Oh...." I breathe under my breath. I know he thinks I'm being a complete idiot right now, but the idea of a boat in the middle of the chilly months really doesn't add up in my head. Growing up in Illinois the concept of no winter doesn't sit with me right away.

"Haven't you noticed how warm it is?" Chase asks as he finishes tossing his items into the bag.

I shrug. "Well yeah," I drawl out. "But the idea of being on a boat is just weird when it's December," I tell him honestly as I hand my sunscreen and towel to Chase to put in the bag as well.

A breathy chuckle escapes his lips. "I guess it is weird when you aren't use to it," he agrees. I nod dramatically at his words as he finally sees it from my point of view. "On the water will be cold when the wind hits us but it isn't too bad," he adds maybe to inform me. But most likely to cut off the sassy comments that he knows are coming.

I throw on my white lacy cover up, which honestly does little to cover up the lavender string bikini I have on. While I didn't have boating on my mind when I packed for this break, I did toss in a bathing suit last minute at Chase's request. Though now a part of me wishes I would've brought a more conservative one to be in front of Chase's parents.

"God, why do we have to leave so early?" I ask with a slight pout as I eye the comfortable bed I had to leave way too early this morning.

"It's noon Hayley," Chase remarks his eyes wide and mouth agape looking at me as if I have completely lost it. He's an early riser, which means he will never understand my love to sleep till two in the afternoon and call lunch breakfast.

"What?" I question with a shrug to wave him off. "It's break," I state as if it's obvious. On my breaks I sleep until mid-afternoon, judge me.

"Chase, where's my coffee?" I ask as I slip on my sandals and push my dark hair back with my black Ray Bans.

"It's noon Hayley," he repeats slowly. He acts as if me drinking coffee at all hours of the day is something new to him.

"And?" I question with my hands placed on my slightly curved hips. A single brow arches perfectly asking Chase to test my patience so early in a day.

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