[3] I tackled a wrestler in gym

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 another update!! yay! 

I have a lot of Ideas I really want to start writing and probably will but won't fnish them, oh well at least I'll try. 

enjoy this chappie and excuse any mistakes.



Desire's POV:

"what the hell" comes out of my mouth before I can stop it, i am not a really big cusser but lets make an exception.

my brother's head snaps in the direction of my voice, a goofy smile on his face as he waves me closer to him and I walk over cautiously, never leaving my eyes from my target.

 what is he doing here? I think in a hazy panic he shouldn't be here! he can't!!

"Hey sis, I want you to meet the new transfer here, his name is Raven" My brother said, here's the thing in Athens High is you get notice by the power triplets your officially part of the 'in' crowd, and my brother and the idiots he has for friends have obviously already taken a liking on Paris.

yep, you heard right, Paris, the annoying guy that at one point I though was a homeless bloke and spent his day with me yesterday.

that guy.

he was wearing on of those long sleeve shirts with a hoodie on the back made by Nike, 'I'm busy getting stronger' printed in large bold letters, taking up all of the shirt, with dark jeans, and a pair of Nike running shoes the same exact shade of his shirt.

I crossed my arms across my chest in doubt.

"Raven, huh? thought your name was Paris" I said annoyed.

a knowing little smirk slid onto his lips as he opened him mouth to respond, my brother interrupted.

"what so you know each other?" he asked, a small dent in the middle of his forehead as his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"yeah,at the park" Paris or Raven whatever responded.

"the day you passed out?" Reece said, then covered his mouth as I shot him a dirty look.

"well you know me by my first name Desire" Paris said, I noticed his eyes seemed different today, brown tingled with green, instead of gold.

"Raven is just a nickname I've had for a long time, most people call me that" he continued, I snapped out of my staring and gave him a skeptical look, I wasn't buying that BS about the nickname.

"anyways" River drawled as he patted Paris in the back.

"He's joining the team"

I blinked in surprise.

"The Football team?" I asked.

"the American Football team, yes" Richard said earning himself a little scowl from me.

"what position?" I asked, and then I mentally scowled myself for showing interest.

"Quarter Back" he said, I barely stop my jaws from hitting the deck, we don't have the...um best quarterback, so usually the best linebacker aka River is the team captain, if Paris enters as quarterback and is actually good, that would name him the team captain and I don't think that is going to settle well with River.

I glance at my brother for confirmation and he nods at me, answering my silent question.

"huh" I said, still giving Paris the stank eye, I was going to murder him when I got him alone...

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