[2] hot angel dudes & strawberries dont mix

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enjoy guys and please excuse any errors.

Picture on side is the clothes Desire took to school, her car, and her hair


Desires POV:

I was having a peaceful dream as my alarm clock went off, I was fully awaken by then and stretched as I caught the smell of bacon and frowned.

how odd mom isn't home on the week days during the morning that's why we only have a normal breakfast on the weekends.

"you sleep like an angel"

I snapped my eyes open startled by the masculine voice coming from my door.

there leaning against the wall was Paris, I lost my breath as I met his gaze.

"I didn't mean to startle you" he apologized.

"its fine" I said as I let out a small yawn.

"how did you sleep?" He asked casually.

"Fine, I didn't have any nightmares, which I am thankful for"

I caught sight of the clock and gasped.

it was ten forty three.

"why is it so late?!" I exclaimed.

he gave me one of those cute boyish half smiles that left me dazzled.

"Doctor orders" he said his eyes bright with mischief "anyways hurry up their breakfast downstairs"

the sound of breakfast made my mouth water, it smelled so good, I could smell the bacon and blueberries up to my room.

I nodded and he left the room excusing himself I hastily threw off my blanket and slipped into my bathroom, taking a quick shower and jumping into a dark blue high low skirt with a white tank top, I threw my damp hair into a high ponytail, who cares what it looks like.

'you do because their is a mega hot angel guy down stairs that you totally want to lick vanilla ice cream off of' a little piece of my conscious said, I felt my cheeks burn at the thought and hushed up that piece of my mind as I went downstairs and into the kitchen.

Paris was already sitting on the bar stool two plates on the table his and directly across from his was mine.

"your mom left you this" he said as he handed me a folded paper.

hey my little cupid, I'm sorry I cant stay with you today but I need to come pick up some new threads, but I'll be home early before six hopefully, I hope you feel better baby,

Love, Mom

My cheeks got redder at the my little cupid part but it was an honestly sweet letter.

"thanks" I muttered at Paris who was watching my red cheeks with amusement.

"anytime" he said, I could feel his silent laughter at me and it piped my annoyance.

"go head and laugh moron, its not like I haven't notice" I said

he chuckled, a smile twitching his lip upward.

"so does your mom always call you cupid?"

I let out a small gasp barely catching my falling jaws.

"y-you read it!?" I stuttered, not only embarrassed but shocked as well.

he looked like he was trying to keep a straight face, but honestly he looked like he was constipated, his eyes glowing with laughter.

"what did you expect? if you had found the note I am a hundred percent certain you would have also read it" he teased.

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