He cheats.. 😯 *Calum*

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*Y/N's point of view*

I was sitting at home on the couch watching Netflix on my lab top while waiting for cal to come home.. he's been gone all day. About 10 min later I hear keys jiggle on the door and open walking in my amazing wonderful gorgeous boyfriend.. "Hey baby." He says walking over give you a kiss. "Hey cutie." You giggle. "Whatcha doing?" He asked sitting next you pulling you close. You cuddle close so his chest breathing in his scent... but you stop after smelling perfume that wasn't yours. "Babe? Why do you smell like perfume?" I ask still cuddle close to him. "Oh. I went to the mall with Luke to find his girlfriend a new perfume or something like that.." he said looking a little flushed.. you just let it slides as he holds you close.. you trust Cal. He would never hurt you like that.. right? Around 15 min later you and cal are still watching Netflix on the couch he's starts moving around and he starts kissing your neck for a few seconds and kisses you.. as things start to get heated you sit up and straddle his lap.. you make out for about 5 more min but he pulls back a little and says. "You know I love you right Y/N?" Looking into your eyes.. "yes baby.. I love you to." You say kissing him again. As you got to kiss down his neck something stops you. You see a huge love bite on his neck you know not from you. "Hey babe? What's that.?" You say rubbing the love bit. "Oh it's just a rash.." he says taking your hand away. "There's no way that's a rash babe.." you say looking into his eyes. "Babe it's nothing. Just leave it alone." He says pushing you off his lap standing up. You just sit there trying to process what you just saw on your boyfriends neck.. the man you love. As you just think to yourself.. "did I do that.. please tell me that's from me." I sit there for a few more mins. He walks back into the living room and you say tearing up looking down. "Who gave you it?" You say kinda quit. "No one babe. It's nothing." He says. "It's obviously a love bite on your neck cal.. and it's not from me so how you so it's nothing." You say standing getting mad.. "babe.. it's not a love bite..." he says rolling his eyes ... "STOP LAYING TO ME!!! I KNOW WHAT THAT IS IM NOT STUID...!!!" You yell as tears run down you face. He looks down looking ashamed.. "ok.. well while I was out at the Mall earlier today I ran into someone.. a girl... and we kind made out it the bathroom..." he says tearing up.. you try to hold back you sobs trying to escape your mouth.. you stand here looking down not believing what you just heard... "wow. 5 min ago you were kissing on me and telling me you loved me knowing you cheated on me.." you say I little sob leaves your throat. "No baby I do love you. It didn't mean anything to me. She's was just a tiny fling." He says standing up trying to hug and Comfort you but you push him off.. "You don't love me ... if you loved me you wouldn't cheat.." you say crying more. "What did I do to deserve this? i've been loyal to you for three years you're all I think about all the time and I trust you I let you to hang out your friends and  believe in you to not do this to me but I guess all that trust just kind of disappeared now huh.." you say trying to walk away but he grabs you arm. "Baby. You didn't do anything to deserve this I don't know what was going on in my head at that point in time but she just threw her self at me.. I love you." He says shedding a tear.. "SO THAT MAKES IT OK.. HER JUST THROWING HER SELF AT YOU GIVES YOU AND EXUSE TO CHEAT.!!!! WHAT IF A GUY THROW HIM SELF AT ME.? THEN I CAN MAKE OUT WITH HIM AND GIVE HIM A LOVE BITE! NO!!" You yelling running up the steps locking your and Calum's bed room door and packing all you can.. even taking one of Calum's shirt not even knowing why. You hear him crying and apologizing at the door as you pack.. but you do your best to try to ignore it to leave as soon as possible. After you get don't packing you grab the bag and your car keys and open your bedroom door knowing he'll be outside and he ran as fast as you can to the front door to leave... you stop and yell.. "HOPE SHE WAS WORTH IT CAL CUZ SHE JUST REINED A PERFECT 3 YEAR RELATIONSHIP!!" You leave slamming you door and crying in your car a few min before driving away.

(Hey guys

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(Hey guys.. my 1st imagine.. please comment down below what you thought and should there be a part 2?? Or if you have any quest for a imagines or visuals)

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