Your on your period. *4/4*

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*Y/N P.O.V*

You were sitting on your couch cuddling up to Luke when you get a huge cramp! You sit up quickly grabbing your stomach and moaning in pain.. "what's wrong baby.?" Luke asks.. "cramp!" You say grabbing his hand squeezing it. "Hold on baby." She says getting up. About 1 min later he comes down holding your heating pad and some pain killers handing them to you "here you go baby.." he says handing them to you.. "your the best baby." You saying kissing him.


*His P.O.V*
(You get really emotional)

When I get home from working hard from the studio I hear a little bit of sniffing and crying from the kitchen.. you walk in and see Y/N laying on the floor crying. I rush to her side. "What's wrong baby?" You ask. "I wanted to make you pizza but I burned it .." she says pointing to the pizza sitting on the stove. "Baby.. come one stand up." I say helping her up. "Baby are you on your period?" I ask cautiously try not to get her to get offended.. "Maybe.." she says looking down. "Go on baby go lay down." He says pointing up to the stairs.. "but dinner." She says pointing to the pizza.. "I'll order some baby and I'll run to the store and get you some chocolate and anything else you want." He says kissing her forehead.

*Y/N P.O.V*
(You bleed on his bed)

You and Calum were soundly asleep on his bed. You wake up to him getting up and going down stairs and make breakfast. About 10 min later Calum comes up stairs again to wake you up. He pulls the cover off of you seeing a red spot on the bed.. "Y/N baby.. what's that?" He asks pointing to your pants. "Oh shit I'm so sorry baby.. I think I started my period.. I didn't mean to bleed on your bed I didn't even thinking I was starting this early." You say tearing up from feeling bad. "No no.. don't cry baby.. I'm not mad." He says helping you off the bed. "How can you not be mad.. I just ruined your sheets.. that's not going to come out.." you say. "Baby it's ok i have extra sheet.. why don't you go get in the bath and relax I'll clean this up and make breakfast... let me know if you need me to go to the store.. ok baby?" He says kissing my head.

(You get really cranky)

*Y/N P.O.V*

You walk down stairs seeing a huge mess from where the boys had a video game night.. there were beer cans,food and couch cushions thrown everywhere.. "Michael.!!" You yell. He runs down the stairs. "What's up?" He asks. "Look at this mess!" You shout pointing at the living room.. "babe it's fine I'll clean it later.." he says shrugging his shoulders.. "FINE?! It's a mess!" You yell. He rolls his eyes and starts cleaning up. "Happy!" He kinda yells. "Whatever." You say running into the kitchen opening the fridge grabbing the king size candy bar and shoving it in your mouth.. he walks back into the kitchen and sees what your going.. "ohhhhh... I know why your so cranky.. your in your shark week.." he says giggling poking your sides. "Stop !" You say smacking he hand away.. "I'm sorry for yelling." You say feeling bad. "It's ok baby. You go lay down and I'll make dinner and clean up around the house." He says kissing you.

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