Car crash...

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Today me and ivan have plans with my parents, we are going out for lunch  and to a movie, I go up at 8:00am to get ready,  I woke ivan up at 9:00am. I showered, did my makup and I wore this

Ivan wore his unual black skinny jeans and a hoodie, he wanted to kinda match so he wore a white  hoodie

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Ivan wore his unual black skinny jeans and a hoodie, he wanted to kinda match so he wore a white  hoodie. We headed downstairs and ate breakfast. Ivan told emilio were we were going, we got into my car and ivan drove, we were stopped at a red light when I got a phone call, it was from my mom, she told me that they were running a bit behind so to just meet them there, i said okay and hung up.

We were parking when the car behind us decided to slam into us, the airbags poped and I was knocked unconscious. Ivan was freaking out,  I woke up and and ivan had picked me up and running somewhere. I looked up and ivan has a cut in his forehead, and chin, I said babe your cutt pretty bad, he told me that my problem was bigger, he would not tell me what was wrong with me, he put my down and ran into a store he asked to use there phone, he ended up phoning a ambulance, it pulled up about 5minutes later,  ivan was sitting beside me now, I was scared now, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and gave it to ivan, I told him to phone my mom and tell her to meet us at the hospital, he asked why? I said i think. I stopped and then the ambulance people put me on the bed thing,

We were driving to the hospital when I got asked if I was pregnant? I said yes. At this moment I knew something was really wrong, ivan was not crying but tearing up, i got told to just relax and we would be at the hospital soon, ivan was holding my hand. We got to the hospital and got into a room. Ivan phoned my mom and told her everything, he still would not tell me what happened to me. I did feel in pain or anything,

L- what happened to me babe? 
I- let the doctor tell you.
L- why, did we lose the baby?
I- i hope not,
L- i dont feel any pain thought
I- i don't know,  I'm sure something is wrong thought,
L- you need to do something about those Cutts though babe.
I- why, your my only priority right now, 
L- I'm fine, you can go walk to a nurse desk and get some bandaids.

He agreed and when he went down to the desk i got up grabbed my phone, I texted emilio.

L- hey you busy?
E- no why?
L- i need a favor.
E- Okay whats up?
L- i need my backpack,
E- Okay what color is it?
L- it's right beside the door if my room. It's the black one with a pink puff ball,
E- Okay, I got it where are you?
L- the hospital, just ask for lizzy and Ivans room.
E- are you okay?
L- i feel find but Ivan doesn't think so.
E- what happen?
L- we were parking and the guy behind us smashed into the back of us,
E- Okay ill be there fast as possible.

Ivan came back in the room and seen i had my phone.  He said how did yu get that?

L- i got up and got it,
I- why, you could have waited for me to get back
L- it's not like I'm dying I can walk.
I- well until we find out I'm not leaving again.
L- okay,
I- can we cuddle?
L- ya, I feel fine.
I- Okay. Just tell me if you need anything.
L- your so sweet.
I- i love you babe
L- I love you too

Ivan came and sat on the bed, I got a text and before I could grab my phone ivan did, he nows my password so he opened it and looked at the text, he seen it was emilio, he read are conversation. He dint get mad but confused. He handed my my phone and just started playing around in the room, emilio said '' here'' I got up and looked in the hall, I seen him and told him to come here, he did. I sat on the bed, he gave me my bag, I gave him a hug and sold thank you, he said no probably,  and where's ivan? I don't know somewhere in the room,

E- Ivan?
I- ya?
E- where are you?
I- hiding
L- really, what are you 6?
I- no matter what age I am hide and go seek is fun
E- your gonna get it trouble just come out,
I- well if he nurse comes in I will burn you gotta find me!
L- you guys have fun, my mom's freaking out,
I- are they here?
L- no she is freaking out about what yu tool her on the phone.
E- what did he tell her,
L- i don't know but my mom never freaks out like this.
E- ready or not here i come,
L- oh my god I thought you were joking!
E- nope, we are never gonna stop playing,

Emilio went looking around the room, there was a bathroom, closet, and  kitchen area. He found him hiding in he closet, he came over and the doctor came in, he told me that I broke my ancle so I have to use crutches and a cast for a while, I don't know why I could walk and it not hurt but what ever, the doctor put the cast on and all that. He said your good to go and left,

L- well I guess you were right.
I- i knew something would of happen.
E- so is the baby okay?
L- ya, he dint say anything about it so.
I- well what are we waiting for let's go
E- doesn't she have to get medicine for pain?
I- we can get that on the way out,
L- Okay

I got out of the bed and grabbed my crutches, I stud up and tried walking with them, it dint go so well, it was funny for the twins but hard for me, I finally got it and we left the room, we got to the elevator and I relised I forgot my phone. I asked ivan to go get it, he did, I grabbed it from his back pocket and put it into my bag, we headed down to the main floor, we dint even thing about the car,  we phoned my dad and he delt with it, we ordered a Uber to meet my mom and the resturant, emilio came.

L- hey mom
M- hey kiddo.
L- there's good news, 
M- what?
L- the baby's fine
M- Okay but what happened to your foot? Ivan said you dint have any pain?
L- i dint till he put the cast on,
I- as long as your good  we good
E- so what's this place anyway?
M- i don't know
L- we should go somewhere else,
M- sure

We got into a Uber and left, we decided to go to a Italian resturant. We ate and went to the movies, I started to have lots of pain after the movie. We went home, my mom phoned ivan and asked how I was doing, ivan was out of the room so I answer it, I told her that I am resting it and that it hurts but I'll be fine,  ivan came into the room and asked who was on the phone, I told him it was my mom, he layed down and we snuggled, I ended up falling asleep, I woke up 3hours later to ivan putting a ice pack on my ancle I said thanks babe and gave him a kiss, he layed back down and we went to bed,

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